October 2013 Truck Haven Potluck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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October 2013 Truck Haven Potluck


Admin's Wife, Explorer Babe
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 10, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer XLT
It's that time again. TruckHaven here we come!

The Potluck is on Saturday night usually about 6 pm. Bring lights to see, it's dark. Each party is responsible for their own meat and beverage. If you need to use a BBQ grill, you can post here as well and we'll find one. Please let me know as soon as possible what you're bringing. You only need to make enough for a family, not the whole group.


Appetizers, Munchies
Bulldozer - Beef Jerky

Side Dishes

Char & Rick - Kugel :eek:
TBars - Salad (HaHa, Brian he beat you to it.)
Maniak - Potato Salad
Ritsui - red beans and rice


Condiments, Utensils, Misc


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..:wtf:..Where's BKennedy's items?..I have never beat him to this list..He must be napping in the old rocker..:p:

...I'll bring Salad and I'm sure I'll fill in with some other stuff after the list get's bigger..:D

If I do manage to make it I'll bring a couple pounds of home made beef jerky to share.

We're starving? :eek:

I was going to bring the bbq bacon sliders... or do I even bother? :(

No Tamales available :(

so, I'm going to my old stand by.. Potato Salad...


I'm gonna have to say take me off the list unfortunately. I might still make it out but if I do it wont be till late Saturday night.

Hey, I'm coming..

How about black peppercorn tri-tip, with roasted baby finger carrots. Yea baby!

We can make some red beans and rice.

we will bring a couple of deserts
