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Official BS thread!!

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Lindsy, you just have to remember, it's for your own good!

X24 said:
Lindsy, you just have to remember, it's for your own good!

HA! That's what they all say!!!!!

that's what was said before the handcuff incident too, come to think of it.....

Top 5 reasons you know you're never truly getting out of this club, no matter how hard you try:

5) The sight of a lifted J**p/Suzuki/Chevy/etc REALLY makes you want to call up someone and get them to go 'wheelin.. like, NOW.

4) At your last family gathering, your Uncle was about to start the BBQ, when you brushed him aside and said, "let me." And then proceeded to take the Fug approach and use half a gallon of gasoline to nuke the burgers.

3) Someone uses the word "Paragon" in a sentence totally unrelated to off roading, and yet your ears perk up anyway.

2) Even though you've asked to be left alone, you still recieve at least one phone call a day from someone with an Explorer.

And finally (and this one happened to me today)

1) No matter how preoccupied with work/relationships/life in general... whenever the song "Peaches" randomly comes on the radio, you laugh uncontrollably and don't even care who's staring at you thinking you might be some kind of maniac.


Spas said:
Top 5 reasons you know you're never truly getting out of this club, no matter how hard you try:

5) The sight of a lifted J**p/Suzuki/Chevy/etc REALLY makes you want to call up someone and get them to go 'wheelin.. like, NOW.

4) At your last family gathering, your Uncle was about to start the BBQ, when you brushed him aside and said, "let me." And then proceeded to take the Fug approach and use half a gallon of gasoline to nuke the burgers.

3) Someone uses the word "Paragon" in a sentence totally unrelated to off roading, and yet your ears perk up anyway.

2) Even though you've asked to be left alone, you still recieve at least one phone call a day from someone with an Explorer.

And finally (and this one happened to me today)

1) No matter how preoccupied with work/relationships/life in general... whenever the song "Peaches" randomly comes on the radio, you laugh uncontrollably and don't even care who's staring at you thinking you might be some kind of maniac.


U ARE SOOO RIGHT!!!!!!!!! except for #1...i dont even know a song about peaches...but everything else is exactly right... :thumbsup:

U know i just realized arent u supposed to barbacue tuna for a better taste i think we should do it

i say we chop her up, stuff her in a can with "spring water" and seal it up :p

mmm.... Blackened tuna steaks.. yummy...

Enough with the tuna! ;) I think you have just skinned the dead horse!

Some funny pictures I finally got around to scanning....

1) This is 'Hotshot', my friend Gillman's lowered 2002 Supercrew.
2) And this is what happens when a) you hang around Blee too much, and b) Your friend decides to make the colossal mistake of threatening to "Steal that silly GT Explorer of yours" probably because he's just jealous that your Explorer is more well known than both of his F150's :D


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oop, almost forgot....

HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY, JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bounce:

So I thought I'd drop a line to you guys seeing as I've been MIA for a while. I went to Italy last month for two weeks 'cause I needed some time away plus I've been busy as hell at work. So the first pic is of me in Venice, and the second is of how the two trucks are doin'. I haven't done anything becides adding some driving lights and taking the doors off the black truck (took 'em off in April, but it's getting cold enough now that I should put them back on soon). So yeah, word.


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Hey Matt. Nice to hear from you. I dont believe you went to Italy. It looks like your standing in front of a large painting. :p

good to hear from ya matt when u comin up for a little reunion :chug:

Hey Matt, glad to hear from ya again. Hope ya had a good time in Venice. I haven't been there in about 22 years. Is it still sinking?

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Yeah, It'll probably be a while before I can get up there again seeing as I don't get much vacation with my current job (not to mention I went though all of it in Italy). But I'll get back up there eventually. And oh and Chris, its not a painting, to prove I was there here's a pic of me, well, um, after 10 beers or so in the back streets of Venice, uh, and stuff.


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