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offroad basket


Well-Known Member
February 25, 2006
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96 XLT
Ive been thinking of getting a basket. Not only are the asteticly pleasing, they are functional and almost neccesary for an offroad adventure!

I will most likely choose the thule 690


anyone have a pic of there explorer with this basket fitted? If not Ill be the 1st within a couple of paychecks

opinions welcome!

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it would look nice.

you getting a spare tire carrier as well, or just using it to carry camping gear, supplies, etc.?

please dont put the tire on the roof....

slravene said:
please dont put the tire on the roof....

Why is that?

1) wind resistance: you will decrease your mpg, increase noise.
2) raises center of gravity: tire is heavy....keep heavy stuff down low.
3) destroys the tire: (bakes it in the sun)
4) ever try to get a spare tire off the roof while offcamber, in the mud, wet, and cold?
5) ever try to get the flat tire back up there?

Ive seen baskets for sale on Ebay for $50. Some of them are even Ford Factory ones made by Yakima. THey come with the oval, mounts and everything.

not what you want but i hope it helps, sorry the pics are not that great


I love mine it looks really good and it is great when i have to carry stuff i dont want in the truck

yakima load warrior

tuesday night i ordered a yakima load warrior, similar to that thule. no you wil not find anything nice in this category on ebay for 50, ive been shopping for about 4 months now so trust me, im paying 240 for mine new, with a hookup :D , but the cheapest i found it online was 260 new. lizard used to have the one im getting



Having a tire on the roof does reduce your MPG rating and creates a higher center of gravity.. I ran my 33" spare on the roof for quite a long time since my truck is my daily driver and I carry 2-3 boxes full of computer parts/accessories/etc. Even on wheeling trips, I had the tire on the roof with really no adverse reactions. I got a little tipsy at times but never to the point that I felt my truck was gonna roll.. I even went down whompum at Paragon sideways and the truck never rolled with the tire on the roof. Its just a matter of making sure the tire is secure on the roof. If it slides with the body, then of course it'll cause the center of gravity to shift.

I have the yakima rack. It holds up pretty good.


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i have the yakima and it works great, i paid 150 used with 4 pro comp lights on it and 2 reverse lights, i know i got a smokin deal :D ...i also use it to carry the spare, no problems with it ;)

Froader, if you look back at this that a load warrior with extension or a mega warrior? I've got a load warrior and want to get the extension, but that just seems too big.
