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oil flow direction


My 95 EX EB
November 16, 2008
Reaction score
pine grove ca
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pine grove, ca.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 xlt 95 ex eb
have a 95 exploder need to know the direction of oil thru the oil cooler . im adding an external oil cooler the manufacter says the oil must pass thru the radiator first for optimum cooling of the transmission oil.

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In reality, thermodynamics tells us that which heat exchanger is entered first, will have little effect on the outcome. If you absolutely want to follow their recommendation, "crack" loose the two connections at either the radiator, or the transmission, start the engine, and observe which port from which the fluid flows. Then, connect your added cooler accordingly. imp

In reality, thermodynamics tells us that which heat exchanger is entered first, will have little effect on the outcome. If you absolutely want to follow their recommendation, "crack" loose the two connections at either the radiator, or the transmission, start the engine, and observe which port from which the fluid flows. Then, connect your added cooler accordingly. imp

Comes in the top side first,exits feom the bottom..does your stock setup not have a 2nd cooler in from of the radiator? ? Alot came stock with it

Comes in the top side first,exits feom the bottom..does your stock setup not have a 2nd cooler in from of the radiator? ? Alot came stock with it
yes it has what they called the light duty tow package. but it was installed between the ac coil and the radiator but not hooked up so im thinking it might not have been factory installed. so9 im gonna put a larger one in front of the ac coil . now my transmission man wants me to install it independently of the radiator . is that a good idea?
the cooler manufacturer says for optimum cooling it should be installed in seires with the radiator. what do u guys think

yes it has what they called the light duty tow package. but it was installed between the ac coil and the radiator but not hooked up so im thinking it might not have been factory installed. so9 im gonna put a larger one in front of the ac coil . now my transmission man wants me to install it independently of the radiator . is that a good idea?
the cooler manufacturer says for optimum cooling it should be installed in seires with the radiator. what do u guys think
Depending on the size and where you live..i run one pretty much the size of the radiator and the 2nd stock one.i dont run it through my radiator at all..i run a 3 core aluminum manual trans radiator

@jd4242 "......i run a 3 core aluminum manual trans radiator."

Man, I wish I could stuff one in the Mustang I just bought, '94 GT, has a 1-core crossflow, cores are about an inch deep, yes, but here in the desert.......

My first experience with the SN-95 platform, last one was a '93 Cobra, Fox platform. The '94 has the damned ABS Module where a fan blade used to spin, along with the radiator catch-bottle! Bigger radiator, only way is move forward, or relocate stuff.

Hope I haven't derailed the thread. impo

@jd4242 "......i run a 3 core aluminum manual trans radiator."

Man, I wish I could stuff one in the Mustang I just bought, '94 GT, has a 1-core crossflow, cores are about an inch deep, yes, but here in the desert.......

My first experience with the SN-95 platform, last one was a '93 Cobra, Fox platform. The '94 has the damned ABS Module where a fan blade used to spin, along with the radiator catch-bottle! Bigger radiator, only way is move forward, or relocate stuff.

Hope I haven't derailed the thread. impo
If i remember you can bend the abs bracket and the lines slightly to move it outa the way and mount the overflow behind the light

If i remember you can bend the abs bracket and the lines slightly to move it outa the way and mount the overflow behind the light
Thanks, I'll look at that possibility. Another thing intro'd in '94, electric cooling fan. I hate seeing the temp. gauge rising all of a sudden, then fan turns on, gradually comes back down. A good fan clutch modulates the fan's work output almost infinitely, holds temp. far more constant. imp

Thanks, I'll look at that possibility. Another thing intro'd in '94, electric cooling fan. I hate seeing the temp. gauge rising all of a sudden, then fan turns on, gradually comes back down. A good fan clutch modulates the fan's work output almost infinitely, holds temp. far more constant. imp
A tstat should maintain a constant engine temp,a fan is to maintain the radiator temp..if you have the proper cooling system, a fan should barley run especially when moving..depends on car,system and where you live though. .

A tstat should maintain a constant engine temp,a fan is to maintain the radiator temp..if you have the proper cooling system, a fan should barley run especially when moving..depends on car,system and where you live though. .
Agreed and understood! Here's the thing with electric fans: when the A/C is ON, the fan must always be ON; they wire them that way. Reason is, air must always be flowing through the A/C condenser coil, or it will not function properly. One thing good: electric fan assures more efficient operation of the A/C. A clutch fan will not move air until it senses heat. OTOH, folks don't need A/C efficiency in, say, Minnesota, as much as I do here in the Southwest Desert. Today, it's 112` out, but Relative Humidity is 3%. imp
