Oil Leak that i really need help with...Pics included | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil Leak that i really need help with...Pics included


August 25, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer XLT 5.0
I have an oil leak and can't tell if it's the oil pan or the Oil Filter housing. I have read and read and read and can't find a lot of info or parts. I've called local auto stores looking for parts and no one can help me. I have a feeling It is leaking from around where the "Oil Filter Housing" goes into the block but I'm not sure. I looked for an O-Ring kit for it and can't find anything. Any help would be much appreciated.

You can see here that the front left bolt(looking from underneath and towards front of truck)




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On every 302 I have owned, there is no oil filter housing separate from the block, all cast in one piece. You sure the oil is not running down from either the valve cover, or intake manifold gasket? First order of business is to clean the area in question and watch for a leak. Use a good engine cleaner and pressure wash it, strong hose pressure will do. You can use brake cleaner too. How long has it been leaking?

Well that's the problem dewey, When I look at the oil filter which you can see clearly in the first picture it screws into an aluminum "arm" which in turn bolts into the block.(I posted a pic of one, not sure if its the same as mine). And today I degreased the hell out of it and wire brushed it. I can't trace the leak but so far and it really seems to be coming from either the front of the oil pan or the Oil Filter Housing gasket/O-Ring. And it's been leaking for quite sometime but it has gotten worst where it's leaving small puddles of oil everytime I park.


This adapter is for the larger FL-1 filter. I believe that some people have converted to it to get the larger capacity, so will probably fit; but who knows - it's a tight spot there.
But will the OP spend the big bucks for a complete adapter, when all he needs is the o-ring?

I had a similar problem and suspected the same o-ring -- which I couldn't locate anywhere either. Turned out that the leak source was the filter gasket. Needed to remove the filter (an almost brand new Mobil-1), and discovered (the hard way) that these gaskets are not reusable. Once you compress them, they lose their elasticity and won't seal again.


Ok I'll go get a filter and put her on this afternoon. Thanks for your help. I'll let ya know if that cures it

Double check the previous oil filter gasket did not stick to the adapter. Tat will cause a leak.

Have you tried tightening the 3/4" bolt holding the adapter to the block?

You should be able to match up the rubber gasket at a good parts store that is willing to help you dig through the gasket inventory.

Thanks for informing me about the filter adapter. The last 302 I owned was an 86 F-150, about fifteen years ago. Never too old to learn something new.

The plan is to put a new oil filter on as soon as I get done at work. I've cleaned it up enough under there that I'll be able to see immediately if that fixes it, if not I'll pull the elbow off and pray that a parts store here as an O-Ring to match it. And I can try tightening the bolt but it didn't feel lose when I was under there

On my dad's 2002 4.6 it was the oil filter adapter gasket at the block.


The last adapter I had to replace the O-ring on (it was an aftermarket, so this may not apply.) used the same seal as the oil filter....

All it cost me to fix was a cheap $2 oil filter. I pulled the seal off a new filter and threw the filter away.

I'm headed to oreillyauto to pick up a filter now, so I'll know in a little bit if that's the problem. I still believe it is the filter adapter but I'm hoping not. I was thinking the same thing about trying the oil filter gasket but the oil filter adapter picture I found last night online showed it had a thin o-ring gasket on the block side I the adapter. If it's still leaking when I get the new filter on I'll just pull the adapter off and hope they can match the o ring. I just don't want to fill up with oil just to drain it again.

I'm headed to oreillyauto to pick up a filter now, so I'll know in a little bit if that's the problem. I still believe it is the filter adapter but I'm hoping not. I was thinking the same thing about trying the oil filter gasket but the oil filter adapter picture I found last night online showed it had a thin o-ring gasket on the block side I the adapter. If it's still leaking when I get the new filter on I'll just pull the adapter off and hope they can match the o ring. I just don't want to fill up with oil just to drain it again.

i kinda doubt you're going to find a o-ring that large at the auto parts store. o'reilly's has a box of assorted o-rings they keep behind the counter, i'd say the largest one is about the size if a silver dollar, but good luck. you might try the hardware store (once you know what size you need).

Well it's not the oil filter. It's the oil pan gasket. I can get to it by removing the oil filter adapter and try to seal it best I can. I don't have the time to lift the engine to repair a oil pan gasket. The gasket has pushed itself out of the front corner of the oil pan(not all the way) any ideas on how to seal it the best I can from the outside? I have high temp silicone.

So I have a different idea of that it's the oil pressure sendin unit. There is what looks like a sensor up above the oil filter that is leaking. I would assume that is the oil pressure sending unit. Looks like it's easiest to get to by removing the power steering pump and idler pulley. Any tips?

Any tips?

Wash the whole area down with brake cleaner and dry it. Run the engine and watch to see where the oil is coming from. Once you actually know where the leak is, then you can fix it.

So I have a different idea of that it's the oil pressure sendin unit. There is what looks like a sensor up above the oil filter that is leaking. I would assume that is the oil pressure sending unit. Looks like it's easiest to get to by removing the power steering pump and idler pulley. Any tips?

I removed mine from driver side wheel well. One A/C bracket needs to be loosened to push a conduit 'up' for more space. It's super-tight (left hand only), but doable with compressor in place. I installed there a 1/4" 'T' with a 2" extension - to hook up an analog pressure dial (the tube).
See below - a pic from far and a close-up.


Wash the whole area down with brake cleaner and dry it. Run the engine and watch to see where the oil is coming from. Once you actually know where the leak is, then you can fix it.
I've cleaned and cleaned, it's a really tough area to see in even with a flashlight. Everything is in the way. I know for a fact it's not coming from the oil pan.

I removed mine from driver side wheel well. One A/C bracket needs to be loosened to push a conduit 'up' for more space. It's super-tight (left hand only), but doable with compressor in place. I installed there a 1/4" 'T' with a 2" extension - to hook up an analog pressure dial (the tube).
See below - a pic from far and a close-up.


Thank you so much man. That really clears things up. You did this on an explorer, right? It seems like there is absolutely no room. I can't get to it from the top because the Power Steering pump, AC Comp, and Idler Pulley are in the way. So if I remove the wheel and go through the wheel well it is doable? I can tell its coming from up there and not oil pan for sure though it's just extremely tough to see in there as you obviously know.

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And by the way, it could be the timing chain gasket couldn't it?
