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One of my projects/jobs


Moderator Emeritus
May 3, 2003
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Smithville/Austin, Tx
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08' Suzuki SX4
This is a 1984.5 20th Anniversery GT350 Mustang, the owner (my client) and I dub it the GT350R, I'm retro fitting it with an 03' Cobra motor and a custom built PA 4r70w tranny out of an F150.

Just though I would share some of my work with you all.

A couple of you on this board have seen this in person.

This is how it started 9 months ago.









And here's a real 03' Cobra engine bay




All wiring was re-hand made from a 96' GT harness.




As you can tell from some of the other photo's this is not being built in some high zoot shop, this is your regular ole garage.

At least it has a fridge to keep the tasty beverages cold.


I bought this to convert my 1st gen Lightning to 2nd gen power, but to no avail I had no time to finish it so I sold it. :(




Dreaming of Gilmer & 33's







Keep on scrolling, more pics further down and next 3 pages.

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And now you pry now that it's quite a bit of a pain in the arse to get a dohc modular engine to fit correctly in a fox body lol. I've only seen one done, an LX with a stock 03' Cobra engine, no other mods and the damn car pulled around an 11.4 at 120 mph I think. Could you imagine what just a few bolt on's would do to that little sucker considering how well the 03/04 Cobra engine responds to mods:eek:

Right now my friends 03' Cobra is putting down about 615 rwhp with a Kenne Bell blower on pump gas and is still tuning for more. He still going to be adding nitrous also for around 700-750 rwhp and also to cool the intake charge mainly.

I can just see his engine with the KB blower in a light Fox Body, that car would be a little rocket with the powerband of the KB, you'd have a car that easily could run in the 9's with full reliabilty if setup correctly.

By the way, clean install, swapping in the modular engine into the fox bodies and especially the classic 60's cars is not easy. Looks reall nice. About how long did the engine swap take in your case?

Originally posted by SaleenEXP
. About how long did the engine swap take in your case?

I have so many vested hours in this project there's no telling, as for the basic fit, it went right in, I did have to raise the engine and move it forward about 1/2" though.

Don't think the mods are not sitting in the corner, the main thing is to debug what we have as of now, then come the mods. ;)

There is a dead line (2 weeks), I have been doing 14 hour days for 2 months now (that's when it got kicked into super high gear)

BTW "Lido" is the guy with the green coupe fox, your talking about, I have some dyno run vids of that car, plus one track vid.

That thing is so clean...GREAT work Jeff:D

And I cry for the red SVO sitting in the grass:(

Originally posted by SVO
BTW "Lido" is the guy with the green coupe fox, your talking about, I have some dyno run vids of that car, plus one track vid.
Yup, that was his. I couldn't believe how fast that coupe was with no other power mods besides a stock 03' Cobra engine. The car was also basically stock still with full interior and everything correct?

But as much as I love the KB charger on my friends 03' Cobra, it's the Centrifugal and Turbo setups that are going to take these engines to the max, I can't wait to see a full turbo setup on an 03/04 Cobra engine.

What mods do you (or he) have planned for it?

Originally posted by Crankcase
That thing is so clean...GREAT work Jeff:D

And I cry for the red SVO sitting in the grass:(

Thanx, and yeah it's sad about the SVO, it was a fire resuce, I'm a sucker for saving SVO's from a termanal fate.

Originally posted by SaleenEXP
Yup, that was his. I couldn't believe how fast that coupe was with no other power mods besides a stock 03' Cobra engine. The car was also basically stock still with full interior and everything correct?

But as much as I love the KB charger on my friends 03' Cobra, it's the Centrifugal and Turbo setups that are going to take these engines to the max, I can't wait to see a full turbo setup on an 03/04 Cobra engine.

What mods do you (or he) have planned for it?

Yes Lido's car is full interior, but now it is back halfed, and I agree a high rpm/boost set-up would be super sweet!

As for mods, other than the standard bolt ons, the KB is in the closet as is a huge shot of the go fast juice also, but we need to get the base platform up and running smooth and correct before we go to the next level.

And then if it pops, welll........ we'll ust have to built it stronger lol! :D

To add a little to the mix, the 03' Cobra and 99' and up SN95 platforms are 2" longer from the core support to the firewall, AND as you can tell the fox bumper cover slopes back and under in the front making the liquid to air intercooler a pain to mount, because the 03's bumper cover goes straight down past the bumper re-enforcement, so packing the intercooler a HD tranny cooler and PS cooler and condenser and radiator, in the front was a chore.

Not to mention that I wanted to hide as much of the wiring behind the inner fenders as possible that ment sectioning the harnesses and removing as much as 8" in some areas:

All wiring was re-hand made from a 96' GT harness.




As you can tell from some of the other photo's this is not being built in some high zoot shop, this is your regular ole garage.

At least it has a fridge to keep the tasty beverages cold.


And not to mention that owner has a lot to work on too, we have been going full tilt on this puppy, sometimes we're so numb to the fact we don't realize what we're building, till someone else comes over and get excited about what they see us building.



This car is incredible in person. Ill let you know what it is like to ride in it when its complete :p

Now, I just need to figure out how to convince the owner and Jeff that they need to put one of those motors in my AWD V-8 Limited. Would that not kick major arse? Maybe if I just leave the truck at Shannons house for long enough he will spruce for it?

Very nice work Jeff and Shannon!

Originally posted by TarHeel085
nice work, but i wanna cry cause its an automatic :(

This is actaully his wife's car, even though she has a new 04' Screem'n yellow Mach 1.

Beautiful work man. Very rare to see that quality of work anymore and someone to take their time to do it right.

Next project is to put a Cummins 4 cylinder turbo in the Navajo. ;)

I thought about the SVO turbo 2.3 but I want more off idle torque than that.

I bought this to convert my 1st gen Lightning to 2nd gen power, but to no avail I had no time to finish it so I sold it. :(




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Dreaming of Gilmer & 33's


Good idea...



33's or 35's :) You may have to make a run on some 35's :)

Originally posted by SVO
Next project is to put a Cummins 4 cylinder turbo in the Navajo. ;)

I thought about the SVO turbo 2.3 but I want more off idle torque than that.

Don't tease me like that! I'd love a Cummins in my X. Have you seen the Powerstroke 4 cyl.? Nice little setup. 200hp, and 250 lbs-ft torque. But I think the price tag is about $5k:eek:

Originally posted by NOTAJP
Don't tease me like that! I'd love a Cummins in my X. Have you seen the Powerstroke 4 cyl.? Nice little setup. 200hp, and 250 lbs-ft torque. But I think the price tag is about $5k:eek:

Yes I have Johnstone and I have been talking about that, but the Cummins will only cost me $1500 with a std gear box too. ;)

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You're making me drool!

Is this your special price or can any dumb@ss like myself find one?

What's the specs on the Cummins? What transfer case will you be using?
