Out with Control Trac.....maybe | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Out with Control Trac.....maybe

Ok here's the deal. I wanna see if I can ditch my Control Crap TC for a manual BW1354 case. I have three questions.
1. Will it bolt up to my 4R55E, or is there some difference between it and the A4LD where it won't work?
2.What do about the speedo? Does the transfer case send the speed signals in the 1354? And are they the same as my 1995's?
3.How much could I expect to pay for a used manual 1354?

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A BW1354 should bolt right up with no problems. For the speedo there is a sensor on the side of the case that will work on either transfer case regardless of the style of speedo you have mechanical or electronic (your is electronic). Use your sensor though because yours has a plug where the speedo cable would normally go and it prevents fluid leakage. As for price I can only give you Can$ that I have seen ranging from $300 to $750 but I haven't seen to many, they seen to be rare.

Just some useless info, 4R55Es and 5R55Es are nothing more than A4LDs with an extra gear between first and second and more electronic control.

Wow, thanks for the help!
One more question I forgot to ask. Am I going to need new driveshafts?

You shouldnt need new driveshafts, unless you half the newer CV style shafts. Yours being a '95 should be the old U-joint stle so everything will bolt together like it should be there.

Don't trust the electronic t-case or something?

For me the best thing on my Explorer is the auto 4wd. I'd hate to get rid of it. Adding in a locked in 4wd high would be nice though.

I think i'm just following Jason around with this control trac crap. I'd love to beable to get rid of mine too, but i really don't want to have to get a new T-case. Didn't some say somewhere that they could run a 12v lead to something to disable the control trac or was that something totally different? Jason, i'm just going to keep up with you and see how your progress is going. I'm going to try to get my GEM reprogrammed next week and maybe see if i can get some access to some wiring diagrams and maybe find out what i can do with the auto system. If i find something cool i'll let you know.

Happy trailes!!

Well I have no reason not to trust it really, it has never once failed me, it's just that the auto 4x4 is really annoying when trying to keep up with the jeeper friends. Whenever the case decides to turn on, the jeepers are already past me. 4-low is an option but it's a real strain on the tranny. I will however get my GEM reprogrammed though, and see what that does for me.

SWEET! Thanks Curtis. From a junkyard? Any word on it's condition? Is there a number I can call? Thanks again.

Low range a strain on the tranny? Can't be. It's easier on the tranny since it takes less power output from the engine and tranny to get the tires to turn.
Unless you're talking about having it in 4wd at high speeds.
Not to bag on your idea about ditching the electric t-case, but wouldn't you miss having the auto 4wd? Especially when there's light snow on the roads with long patches of dry pavement in between. Just a suggestion, but wouldn't it be a good idea to look into making the system you have be capable of a 4 high? There was a discussion a while back about just connecting a 12V lead to a switch that should give you 4 high. Or maybe you could look into what is different between our model 4wd systems and the newer ones.

John I understand exactly what you're saying. And yes I was a major part of the discussion in trying to convert to a true 4-high. It's just that I've come to the conclusion that the GEM itself would have to be reprogrammed in order to do such a thing. That's $$$ right there. Also, a manual transfercase is foolproof. If it breaks (which isn't very likely) so what? I buy another one. Plus if I can do this conversion, I will have a perfectly good working Borg Warner TOD case that I can sell on Ebay for good money. Also, the thought of damaging the electronics from water crossings bothers me too. My decision isn't final yet, but I'll let ya'll know.

I maybe wrong here and correct me if I am, but dont the control-trac transfer cases work like a diff in 4wd to prevent driveline bind. If this is the case then then would this not be a horrible set-up for some serious off roading. A friend of mine has a Jeep Cherokee that had a similair set up and it was lousy 4x4ing until he converted to a more traditional transfer case. It would seem to me that everybody has different ideas and purposes for there X's and if you into 4x4ing with it then control-trac has got to go. Just my thoughts. Oh and I love my electric shift transfer case too but will change it in a heart beat if I find a good priced manual unit. Why not I already converted to manual hubs because they were much better for offroading.

I hear ya Speedfreak. I've not looked for a manual transfer case but i will here in the next few weeks. It sucks going out with all your buddies and not being able to play in 2wd!! Looking forward to some details on who ever gets this done first and to see how everything works out!!

Happy trailes!!

To answer the question about the t-case acting as a differential. It doesn't.

Yes, it allows the vehicle to be driven in 4wd at all times. But that is in auto mode. The t-case doesn't differentiate, but pulses power to the front as the rear slips. There is always a little power being sent to the front via very short pulses, but as the rear slips more the power pulses become longer, almost like being completely locked in.
In newer models, there is a locked in 4wd high setting.
All ControlTrac systems also have a locked in 4wd low setting. No pulsing of power.

Actually, I've never had a problem 4-wheeling with my ControlTrac system. For anything hard core you would be using 4low anyways so that's no different. Even when using 4auto I've never had any problems. I've never had to wait for the computer to decide to send power to the front, or be held up and have others get far ahead of me.

Josh, I have a 2wd setting. Those snow covered parking lots and large mud holes sure are fun! :p LOL :)

Josh, I have a 2wd setting. Those snow covered parking lots and large mud holes sure are fun! LOL

yeah yeah yeah i don't want to hear John!!!:fire: hehe. I sure do wish i had a 2wd setting like right now. Woke up this morning to this:


And it is acutally really snowing alot harder as i type!!! My Explorer is up at the shop cause i'm letting my herculiner dry, but i have my company truck 99 F150 Trition, which i will be playing in later, might even take the Grizzly for a spin!! haha, and to relate this to this thread, if you don't have something fun 2wd to play with then you have to subsitute, like my 4wheeler!! haha

Happy trailes!!

Ok I'm wondering before I buy a case like this......where would I run the shifter cable?

Would I have to drill a hole?


What the heck is that suppose to mean!!??

Happy trails!!

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