Phantom, Random, Uncommanded Windshield Wipe | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Phantom, Random, Uncommanded Windshield Wipe


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST

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Ey, tell you what. How bout we call it an upgrade akay?

in custom home automation, when we come across 'bugs' like these we have a phrase:
"Find the problem, give it a button and call it a feature!"

I have the same problem.
I took it to the dealer and it happened twice with them.
They did not know what to they did nothing!
I escalated thru Cory to the next level....they said to take it to another dealer!?!?
Very frustrating......

oh no sir you purchased the optional windshield bug cleaner feature, high end German cars don't even have that feature. lol. ;)

I have the same problem.
I took it to the dealer and it happened twice with them.
They did not know what to they did nothing!
I escalated thru Cory to the next level....they said to take it to another dealer!?!?
Very frustrating......
I had this happen a couple of time within a month after picking up the Ex back in March. Then nothing until about 3 weeks ago when it started again. Only seems to happen once per trip. I'm not too concerned about it. Keeps the dust off the windshield.;) I guess you can always turn the feature off and hopefully that will stop it. Not the ideal solution though.

i dont want a courtesy wipe when i first start my vehicle. i turned that off the first night. there's nothing i can't stand more than having a freshly cleaned vehicle and then using the wipers and smearing whatever dust/dew from overnight and forcing me to use the washer fluid to get a clean window again...but then i have the water spots on the edge of the windshield.....i can't stand that.

How about 10 courtesy wipes!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know many have posted about getting a random courtesy wipe when it isn't raining out.. but 10 (first 2 I missed on the video). I've had very few issues with my Ex compared to most.. but this is crazy!!!

The sensor for the windshield wipers is behind the black box above the rearview mirror. Is it possible something blocked that sensor, or the window got dirty in front of that sensor? Try cleaning that. Also, it's not rocket science. The dealer should replace that sensor. I wonder if some dust didn't settle on it (behind the window) somehow.

The sensor for the windshield wipers is behind the black box above the rearview mirror. Is it possible something blocked that sensor, or the window got dirty in front of that sensor? Try cleaning that. Also, it's not rocket science. The dealer should replace that sensor. I wonder if some dust didn't settle on it (behind the window) somehow.

You'd think it would happen daily if dust was stuck there behind the glass. The Ex is washed 3-4 times a week (I get free no touch carwashes), the windshield is 100% clean. If you actually watch the timer in the video, you will see that each swipe isn't the same time duration between swipes.. so it would seem that it is a faulty sensor to me as well.

How about 10 courtesy wipes!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know many have posted about getting a random courtesy wipe when it isn't raining out.. but 10 (first 2 I missed on the video). I've had very few issues with my Ex compared to most.. but this is crazy!!!

It's po-zessed!!!

I wonder if this type of problem is why Chevy took the autowipers off the Avalanche. My father-in-law had an '07 (I think) Avalanche that had the autowipers, and he really liked them. I don't think they ever wiped without need though. He traded it in for a new one (a '10 or '11, can't remember??) and during the first rain, he discovered it didn't have the autowipers. A call to the dealer confirmed they had been removed. He was bummed, he got used to having them and now he forgets to turn on the wipers when it starts raining, as he keeps waiting for the car to do it! :)

Jeez auto wipers, auto headlamps,auto brakes, Toyotas auto gas pedal what's next?

Its an option that can be turned off. So turn it off.

Its an option that can be turned off. So turn it off.

Now why in the world would I want to shut off a feature that I paid for and want to work properly?

the courtesy wipe and auto wipers are different from each other.

Watching the video along with the "dirt smudge" explanation now makes sense. Looks like every time your vehicle drove from sunshine to dark shade the wipers cycled. It just might be a dirt smudge fooling the sensor?? If not the sensor might be the problem. Or it may not be a "problem" at all, rather a driving conditions issue. You might just need to switch the feature off in such conditions of extreme light to shade. After all, this is how the feature works, by sensing light at the sensor. Less light means we need a wipe.

Watching the video along with the "dirt smudge" explanation now makes sense. Looks like every time your vehicle drove from sunshine to dark shade the wipers cycled. It just might be a dirt smudge fooling the sensor?? If not the sensor might be the problem. Or it may not be a "problem" at all, rather a driving conditions issue. You might just need to switch the feature off in such conditions of extreme light to shade. After all, this is how the feature works, by sensing light at the sensor. Less light means we need a wipe.

There is no dirt or bugs on my windshield so I know it's not that. The dark to light could be an explanation however after I stopped the video, it did it again on a 4 lane road (2 lanes each direction) and there is no shade there.

The ex will be going into the dealer the first week of Nov for a small list of things. I'll be sure to report back what the dealer says.

...I know many have posted about getting a random courtesy wipe when it isn't raining out.. but 10 (first 2 I missed on the video)...
...I escalated thru Cory to the next level....they said to take it to another dealer!?!?...
blwnsmoke & willwitten,

I want to see this issue taken care of. I already have your Explorer’s details, so please let me know via PM when you’d like me to arrange a follow-up call from the Customer Service Manager in your area.


I've heard of this issue with BMWs from using RainX on the windows. Clean the area around the sensor with alcohol to get all the diseases and bacteria from you sess pool car wash off the window. :)

blwnsmoke & willwitten,

I want to see this issue taken care of. I already have your Explorer’s details, so please let me know via PM when you’d like me to arrange a follow-up call from the Customer Service Manager in your area.


Cory, I sent you a PM the day I started this thread. Patiently waiting for a reply.

Thanks a bunch!!

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