Pic Request- Your Explorer Towing | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pic Request- Your Explorer Towing

Ill start the show with my pic-



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Here's one as we set out on our maiden voyage with the new (to us) camper this weekend. Still to add the Air Ride airbags and re-addjust the Equalizer hitch.


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my Xsport with my 21 Chappy XLC and trailer , 5000+lbs total no problem..

Hey how did that handle driving?

I have an 04 v8 mounty, just wondering....

What engine do you got? AWD?

Are those 265 tires? lol

I just realized I never posted this from when we moved last May.


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This was my '95 purple-ploder, this towed hard that boat weighs 4600lbs I towed it 320 miles when I bought it. then 85 when I sold it.(soon after don't ask)

Sorry for the small pic I don't know what I'm doing yet

First post. I am just looking for reasurance on my tow set up
02 Mounty, stock 1 1/4" ? receiver
flat towing 3200 pound Jeep



What do you think? Safe?

safety chains?

Yes They are just not in this picture. It was the first day of the set up before I bought cjains and towed.
Exactly how strong are the smaller size receiver hitches?

safety chains?

Yes They are just not in this picture. It was the first day of the set up before I bought chains and towed.
Exactly how strong are the smaller size receiver hitches?

what mine pulls....havent made a long trip yet just across town but it felt like its going to do fine



Here are some pics of my new trailer


Here's my 2002 Ford Ranger Off Road version 4x4 with 4.10's and the 4.0L pulling my 16ft car trailer with my '88 Samurai on it. Pulled for the first time a week ago 100 miles with no problems. I was easy on take offs as my UPS guy has a '00 Ranger and just blew his tranny pulling his 3800lb boat and I was around 4500lbs (1800lb trailer and about 2700lb sammy).


Just picked this up in May 09.
(From Dayton, Ohio to Harrisburg, PA 450 miles)


another 3rd gen towing a little boat with camping gear.


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Vacation in Drumheller, AB, Canada

Just got back from a family vacation to Drumheller Alberta. It was the first trip with our trailer and truck. The Ex is a 2007EB with the 4.6L and tow package. The trailer is a 2007 Rockwood Roo 23' Hybrid with 3 fold outs. The Ex handled it beautifully. It has plenty of power to buck the prairie wind! It also pulled very strong through the badlands which has some steep grades to climb. The gas mileage was a little painful at about 8.5mpg but towing costs. It was about a 1000km round trip.



I feel it matches quite well. I can definitely tell the boat is back there on hills but the explorer tows it really well!


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This was Snowball's 4th of July present- towing my boat down to Sugarloaf Lake in Portage. Sorry for how dirty she is. I usually keep her much cleaner. :D


