Pumpkin Coil Over Conversion Ramp Photos! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pumpkin Coil Over Conversion Ramp Photos!

Coil Over Conversion Progress...

There is some visable progress on my coil over conversion. The upper links are finished and their mounts are nearly complete. In fact the right side is complete and the left was being finished while I was there today.

After that they will beef up the lower link, make some modifications to the upper shock mount to allow the shock mounts to be turned 90 degrees from what they were and that's about it.

The photo shows the front axle resting on the ground on the left side. It's actually going to have a limit strap to keep it from going quite that far.

Bump stops will be Bilstein hydraulics.

It should be sitting on the coil overs by the end of the week. At least that's the projection at this time. The shop has access to a huge variety of loaner springs so we will start with 450lbs and go from there.


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Those guys are my buds:D We wheel together and they are proud of their work on my truck. They know that the Explorer is a capable offroader mainly by seeing what mine has been able to do in it's various configurations over the years.

They start projects on all sorts of grocery getters besides the Explorer. Right now they are working on 2 Nissans both are being setup for desert racing. One is a 2wd Frontier, and the other is a 4wd Xterra. Both are going to be really nice rigs. They do just about everything you can imagine over there. Race trucks, huge full sizes on 44s with 15" of lift, lifted golf carts... you name it they'll build it :D

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no fair.. I want their job

I'd say something....but I can't. :eek:

Way to go Rick, you're amazed me again :D Looking good...

Rick for the rear, you could consider what this thing is runny. He has coils, and two "radius" arms and a bar that is something of a sway bar for the road that he takes off when off-road. I think this would work GREAT for the rear of an Explorer just based on the location of the Gas tank.


I think he said it was considered a 2 link if he takes off the sway bar a 3 link if he leaves it on. It flexes great too. Its very impresive to see.

He is also setting up a simular suspension on a Ranger. This ranger has D60's front and rear, plus front and rear stear and its setup very well.

Get your FST boys to take a look and see if its doable on the rear of an Explorer. :D

I am good to go either day. Let me know what works best for you and what time. We can meet just off the freeway again. I might go early or stay late to cap off a few rounds on my 9 and SKS. I am waiting call backs from some of my wheelin buds. How are you comming along with the guys from FST?

Is that a toyota?

Is that monster a toyota on 44's? i think i saw it at mark turners show and shine on sunday ramping. If that's it, that thing has awesome flex.

Re: Is that a toyota?

Originally posted by Swee294349
Is that monster a toyota on 44's? i think i saw it at mark turners show and shine on sunday ramping. If that's it, that thing has awesome flex.

Yes that is rock stompers Toyota and he was at Mark Turners Sunday. I didn't see you there what's up with that?????
We were there from around 11:30 to 12:30. I went with a friend, but we should have driven separate vehicles so I could have stayed longer.


Jeremy 9am Sunday Morning!! Let's Roll!!

What spring rates did you finally settle on?

I am powering up the video and digital camera,


Who did you get to come from FST?

I know the lower spring is 650lbs. I'll have to check on the upper.

Went on the maiden voyage today with Sinjin. Just an easy shake down run close to the house. I couldn't find anywhere to fully flex it out, but I did get to drive some bumpy dirt roads pretty fast and flexed it on some moguls, a few boulders etc. It took everything I could throw at it today in stride. I was amazed at how smooth it is both on the street and on the dirt.

The only other coil over equipped truck I had ever rode in was Paul Bredehoft's and I didn't think mine would come close to riding that smooth. It does... I'm sure it won't handle as well as the TTB in fast turns and stuff, but just blasting down the trail it feels great.

Sinjin, took some photos of my truck and I took some of his. We'll be posting them soon.

Here are the photos I have of Rod's truck. Unfortunately I never picked up the camera once we hit the fun stuff... Oh well...





Here are some photos I took.

It was a nice morning run. Not too far from the house, and we even had Chuy's for lunch! I got to take a ride in Rick's, it's a "must-do" attraction, the ride was so smooth, like butta' baby. :)


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lookin into the past haha
