Rear Wheel Bearings SKF good? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Wheel Bearings SKF good?

Rear SKF bearings are a Timken roller bearing. It’ll be stamped on the bearing rim.

Only the fronts are all SKF.

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Rear SKF bearings are a Timken roller bearing. It’ll be stamped on the bearing rim.

Only the fronts are all SKF.

Yep ne
Rear SKF bearings are a Timken roller bearing. It’ll be stamped on the bearing rim.

Only the fronts are all SKF.

Yep, was just wondering how his SKF’s were holding up on the front. Not sure it matters much after checking prices as the Motorcraft are only about 25 bucks more.

Yep ne

Yep, was just wondering how his SKF’s were holding up on the front. Not sure it matters much after checking prices as the Motorcraft are only about 25 bucks more.

Motorcrafts are the ones that fail with as little as 40k miles on them.

OEM bearing are usually one of the best. Often press in bearings get a bad rap because they aren’t installed correctly. If you aren’t careful, and put them in correctly the very best bearings will have a terrible life span.

Not according to FordTechMakuloco
Don’t know if they updated their design, but the earliest the stock bearings tend to fail is with only 40k. Of course, we don’t know of any other factors that might have impacted the lifespan.

The newest revision has an engineering number of 6L2Z (revision 2006) and are manufactured by *** who is a large bearing mfg. The *** part is 559431C. The originals I have seen are 1L and 3L which are revision dates of 2001 and 2003. Ford does change the part number for design changes, color changes, coated vs uncoated, supplier change, etc. So could be the 6L2Z revision is a supplier change only or design, who knows.

I have seen more failed bearings regardless of brand due to careless install especially when the half shaft retaining nut is not used correctly to preload the bearing or the vehicle weight is placed on the bearing and then the nut is tightened. Even saw one where they ground down the outside of the bearing to reduce the OD to fit into the knuckle better. Amazing

The newest revision has an engineering number of 6L2Z (revision 2006) and are manufactured by *** who is a large bearing mfg. The *** part is 559431C. The originals I have seen are 1L and 3L which are revision dates of 2001 and 2003. Ford does change the part number for design changes, color changes, coated vs uncoated, supplier change, etc. So could be the 6L2Z revision is a supplier change only or design, who knows.

I have seen more failed bearings regardless of brand due to careless install especially when the half shaft retaining nut is not used correctly to preload the bearing or the vehicle weight is placed on the bearing and then the nut is tightened. Even saw one where they ground down the outside of the bearing to reduce the OD to fit into the knuckle better. Amazing

Wow, good mechanic work. That Russian guy with his youtube channel would be proud to video those repair tricks. Some things can't be messed up easily, others you have to know exactly what to do, to not mess something up. I haven't done any of those rear hub bearings, but I hope there are how to threads for them if needed.

FYI, just got timken 516008 from amazon, it was made in Korea. Hopefully it will last for some time.
