Rebuilding a 2nd gen Explorer with a 1st gen rear clip | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rebuilding a 2nd gen Explorer with a 1st gen rear clip

When you have a chance can you please post the mods needed to put thet 95-97 lights on the rear?

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We need updates :)

Here are a couple of pictures of my recent progress. The weather has been ugly recently, and a good body man friend was just able to help too.

I will get to the tail lights again soon. I have been hunting a fuel pump problem with my Mountaineer. After changing the pump, the problem was still there, it turned out to be the inertia switch. Regards,


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The doors fit well now. The windshield was cracked, so it wasn't much help in testing for fit. I will try to get a new windshield set on it to test the whole fit, before welding the pillars.

Awesome sir....

Christmas, etc. I will be trying to get the welding done very soon. Regards,

That is one big project. I thought I had big dreams of making my Grand Am rear wheel drive. I have to say though I like the idea of upgrading the chassis. I also very amazed at how well matched the bodies seem to be. I thought there would be more differences in the sheet metal stamping in the flood, but they look like they mate up pretty well. I just bought a 94 limited and have a little hard time finding all the gooddies I want for it.

Welcome Mark, and good luck with your Grand Am and 94 Limited. Let me know if you need any of my extra parts. The AC is spoken for, but the entire 4x4 chassis is left, the dash, as well as all the front body parts. Regards,

^^ PM me regarding your Limited grill and painted headlight bezels. I am looking to have these painted to go on the trail rig. Gracias :)

Man you got some talent! I'm keepin up with this thread..

Any news ?

I'm still interested in the tail light conversion!

I am sorry friend, I have been covered up still. Today as a holiday I did get some spotwelding done, the beginning of my hardest task. Soon,

I saw an Explorer repaired like this Today when I was out of town for Training. It was a 97 v-8 that was repaired useing a 91 Eddie bauer. It had the 97 frame, interior and front clip but had the 91 body and doors.. It was very interesting looking.. But it was in a parking lot and Never got to talk to the owner

Updatius..updates...updatium???? :D

We've got almost enough spot welding done. A better MIG welder, and the welder, are needed. I can do some with my cheap TIG welder, but it takes too long for me, an amateur. Hopefully a day without rain will turn up with help available too.

After that the paint work will be next, and the body will have to be done outside. Weather issues of course. Night,

Did you find out about shipping on our deal?

Sorry Kris, I've been working each day, excepting the holiday, spent on the work vehicle.
I did get some help today with the welding, after work. I am off tomorrow, and hoping to get the welding finished. I'll rent another MIG welder too, my friend's wire feed motor is dying.

I'll try to put the grille and bezels together in the morning too. Regards,

Looks cool! I totally want a lift like that.

Anyway, after all the time in labor and materials you put into that thing it should be worth at least $100,000.

I agree with one of the earlier posts. Way too much work for it to be close to worth it. Maybe a vintage stang or charger, not for an EX.

Good luck,

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2001ExpSport said:
I agree with one of the earlier posts. Way too much work for it to be close to worth it. Not for an EX.
Good luck,Matt
Yes but he doesn't have a lot of money into it. You can't count labor when you figure it's just a hobby and he isn't having to pay someone to do it.
