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remote start


November 1, 2010
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2018 XLT
I would like a remote start for my 07 explorer. I would really like the oem remote start that uses the existing key fob, as little work as possible. I really dont want to carry around an extra key fob. Suggestions, opinions, comments?

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Are you looking to do the work yourself? If so, I'd recommend for a kit and good instructions / tech support to do it yourself. The additional fobs are small, and the installs are a bit simpler if you can live with your existing fob for locks and a small new fob for remote start.

If you are going to put something in just do a complete aftermarket system. Units like that audiovox system once installed require you to hit like the lock button 3 times in a row to activate it. which isnt difficult, however the range is what you have now. You may say its ok, but go to a shopping mall parking lot on a saturday and see how close you need to be to your vehicle for it to get signal. 95% of aftermarket units will do keyless entry also. thus meaning you can just put your factory fob with your spare keys at home.

Keep in mind on top of any remote start you will need a bypass module of some sort (there are a couple different kinds). to defeat the PATS system during the remote start.

I decided to go with an autoalarmpro unit. From what I've read they make each system specifically designed for your vehicle. They use T taps for wires that are specifically indicated in the instructions for your particular vehicle. Ill post a review once I get it all together and installed.

be interesting to see what they send you.. im willing to bet its just a tech sheet (like below) on your vehicle. and all the necessary components needed. There is NO pre-made "t-harness" for a ford so you will still need to hardwire it to everything.


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the range is what you have now. You may say its ok, but go to a shopping mall parking lot on a saturday and see how close you need to be to your vehicle for it to get signal.

This is a good point, on our white truck we have an add-on system (Ford branded one) that uses the stock OEM FOB, on blue one, a full system (Ford branded too) range from the full system is ~5times more.

be interesting to see what they send you.. im willing to bet its just a tech sheet (like below) on your vehicle. and all the necessary components needed. There is NO pre-made "t-harness" for a ford so you will still need to hardwire it to everything.

With the autoalarmpro kits, you're basically paying a bit more for detailed instructions and pre-cut/bundled/terminated wires that you have to install yourself to the correct cables via the provided t-taps. You're correct, there is no additional harness or anything, you're just paying them to idiot proof the kit as much as possible (which is worth it for me, but would be a waste for anyone who is very comfortable doing these types of installs).

To me, their tech support alone is worth the premium you pay for buying a kit through them.

If i remember correctly in the ex you will have only 2 bundles of wires. 1 goes to the ignition harness, the other goes to the harness to the rear of the truck.
