Replacing 91 Leafs- anyone used Tokico? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing 91 Leafs- anyone used Tokico?


Elite Explorer<br><img src="/forums/images/stars4.
November 13, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT 2wd
Found some new leafs by Tokico. Is this a better way to go than putiing some helpers on? I am also replacing the front springs and all 4 corners getting Edelbrock IAS. I've heard of axle wrap if you replace the OEM leafs. Ideas...

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How much? Are they stock height? I'm looking for replacement leaves as well.

I'm waiting to hear from Tokico regarding the rear leaves. Summit Racing said that just adding a helper will improve the rear ride. has the added supersprings for $174 including shipping but that is an add on. I would like to replace and improve the ride since I rarely have a really heavy load on it.

Just got off the phone with Tokico and they don't sell the rear leaf, only the longest leaf with the whole package including 4 shocks for $430. That's not going to work.

Originally posted by rossneag
I'm waiting to hear from Tokico regarding the rear leaves. Summit Racing said that just adding a helper will improve the rear ride. has the added supersprings for $174 including shipping but that is an add on. I would like to replace and improve the ride since I rarely have a really heavy load on it.

I just bought the Supersprings for my 97 Mountaineer from that same store for $116 with shipping incase you were intrested.You need to click on but it now price to see the sale price..What i bought this for is because it looks like my back sits closer to the tire than my front unloaded..I just had 4 new shocks put in from midas too.Do you think this will help me ???
