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Replacing Torsion bars


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
I want to replace the torsion bars on my Sport, as the front suspension seems to be shot.

All components are new aside from the Torsion bars which are original. I know the insulator pads are worn down and the bars seem to be worn out as well.

The bumps are extremely harsh and bone jarring. The shocks are new extra duty KYB Monomax. It seems that the Torsion bars are not taking up any of the impact energy anymore.

The bars are relatively inexpensive.

I was wondering if anyone can give me info on how to tell if the torsion bars are bad.


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They really would not show anything. Do you yet know which you have? Look at the front ends of the bars. The rating is on each, the letter which is on both.

The "B" bars are the stiffest, all 4dr. 4WD's got them. Mountaineers generally got softer bars. I installed "B" bars before dropping and noticed no difference really.

I highly doubt your torsion bars are shot. If they were you would have to crank the torsion bolts way in to keep the ride height correctly adjusted. If they fatigue from age, they will sag, but most likely won't affect the ride quality. The torsion bar is just a spring.

If you have a torsion twist on your truck, that will make it ride significantly harsher due to the angle change in the suspension and the way loads a transmitted to the frame.

What tires and tire pressures are you running? That can make a huge difference.

The torsion bar isolators just help deaden noise and rattle..they shouldn't change the ride characteristics.

As Don said, you can change to a softer torsion bar for a smoother ride, but it will be at the expense of handling...

I will have to look for the letter rating, I have a 1998 Sport with the optional 255/16/70 tires. I run 32 psi in them.

Funny thing though the rough ride seemed to get worse over the last several months?

Something has got to be causing it, feels like there is nothing to absorb the bumps in the road. Hard slam most notably on pot holes and larger bumps.

Truck never used to be like that.

Your new shocks might not be so new any longer--or rather, might have failed.
Might I ask which brand, and how long they have been on?

edit-I re read the first post-

Balljoints could be shot. My ride improved dramatically after putting new ones in.

Should do that again soon...

My balls joints were deemed rock solid by three different independant shops, all 4 were replaced by the dealer at 110, 000mi- truck now has 157k easy miles on it.

I have ruled out the Ball joints, and am thinking it is something with the torsion bars, me thinks the torsion bar isolator pads wore away and the adjustment bolts need to be tightened down a bit to compensate.

It seems when I hit a bump that the impact is going straight through the truck, nothing is absorbing it.

With the new parts in the front end this truck should ride nicely with no issue.

I do have the rear end sag, rear is probably 1.5" - 2" lower than the front. I have decided to go with 4 leafs from a used 4 door X for the rears. I have the new Torsion isolator pads already.

I will do the pads and rear leafs and then level the truck off again to see if it helps with the rough ride.

It seems when I hit a bump that the impact is going straight through the truck, nothing is absorbing it.

That is the job of the shock absorbers. You may have bought the wrong shocks for what you want. Extra duty shocks are meant for vehicles carrying heavy loads, and are valved as such..they will ride much more harshly with no load in a vehicle. For a road vehicle, you may need to go with a shock that is valved for a smooth ride on the road, not one designed to dampen vibration in vehicles carrying heavy loads.

With the new parts in the front end this truck should ride nicely with no issue.. is a's not gonna ride anything like a Lexus.....

I'll ask this question again...what brand and type of tire are you running? Not size...Brand and type..i.e. Firestone Destination LT's....

I am using KYB Monomax Shocks. My tires are Cooper Discoverer AT.

I hear what your saying about the shocks absorbing bumps but there also has to be a secondary system, in this case it is the torsion bars. In newer vehicels you have springs teamed with the shocks to help.

I don't believe a shock is going to be able to take all of the road force a vehicle experiences, there must be something to help it or split the task such as leaf springs or coil springs.

You don't get it and you won't listen...Good luck with your problem..I'm done...

Replace the shocks with some rancho 9000x's and you will notice the difference and even be able to play with the ride a little with the adjustments. Stiffer shocks will give you a harsher ride, softer shocks will give you a softer ride. I have very stiff shocks on all 4 corners and my ride is very harsh compared to the stock shocks.

Ok, I will check the shocks.

