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rock lights?

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sweet find! bookmarked those! sounds like a great buy, bright, low energy usage, not to expensive.

Would you just run them to a switch to relay to battery? or is a relay even neccesary?

sweet find! bookmarked those! sounds like a great buy, bright, low energy usage, not to expensive.

Would you just run them to a switch to relay to battery? or is a relay even neccesary?
I would use a relay if you wanted them to come on automatically. Such as the door opening. Use a relay to tap into the dome lights, so whenever the door opens the dome lights and the flood light would come on. A Relay is a good idea because then it is power directly from the battery and triggered by the dome light. Rather then being powered off the dome light wire as this may put too much of a load on it. Then the switch can turn them on/off so the dome light can be off and you can still turn them on, or the other way: The dome light can be on and you can turn them off.

I made a diagram for you, so I hope this helps. I almost positive it will work. Sorry, I know its awful. I only have one arm because of surgery and photoshop is hard with only my left hand lol.

The only thing is, with this diagram you will not be able to turn off LED light when the dome lights are on using the switch. But you can turn the LED on when the dome light is off. Hope this helps!

I like the 12v fluorescent drop lights you can get for $10 from Ace Hardware. The aren't overly bright which works really well on dark nights. It doesn't blind your spotter. .BUT.. They don't work well when its still twilight out since its actually to bright out, just not under the truck.

btw.. the 12v flourescent lights take < 2 amps for all 4 of my lights combined.


sweet find! bookmarked those! sounds like a great buy, bright, low energy usage, not to expensive.

Would you just run them to a switch to relay to battery? or is a relay even neccesary?

Aren't you a little ahead of yourself thinking about rock lights?

At 350MA, these things draw nothin. It would take 3 to create a 1 amp draw

Aren't you a little ahead of yourself thinking about rock lights?

At 350MA, these things draw nothin. It would take 3 to create a 1 amp draw

oh yeah im entirely ahead of myself. however, i like to plan things out in ahead. and have a schedule on my mods. even though i have done little to my ex thus far. this summer alot is going to change.


this is an awesome handy capped diagram! thanks!
