SapoGmxr's New Tube Bumper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SapoGmxr's New Tube Bumper


!!Drink Beer in Jersey!!
February 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Edison, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer XLT
My friend and i have made a new bumper for my X. It comes with a 12,000lb mile marker winch attached to it. Next is sliders and a rear bumper. Took it wheeln yesterday and got 4 pulls out of it.. Worked Great! Let me know what you guys think.



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Looks Great! I like how it covers the front up nice, looks like it protects everything up there. 12K winch! now you can pull out the snow plow's when they get stuck :D Your truck is looking cool as always, I got a lot of the ideas for mine from your rig :)

Loving it man!!! I am planning the same thing just with no winch but with lights

Looks really good. I'm planning something similar, except with the winch in front of the grill. Nice job on yours. :thumbsup:

i would love to make a bumper simuliar like that for my explorer, looks really nice!

That bumper is sexy! :confused:

Thanks for the compliments guys! As for pics of the frame mount i dont have any. But i can tell you what we did.. we cut the ears off the frame and boxed it out. I'll get better pictures for you guys latter. As of right now im going to the Bahamas. TTYL!!!
