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Say what you want>>>>>


Well-Known Member
February 8, 2011
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City, State
New Brunswick
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 2011 Ltd
I must say I'm pretty impressed with Ford. They just didn't sit back and do nothing. They have come up with a fix for every "glitch" with this new 5th generation Explorer. They have also been very forthcoming and have owned up to fixing them. I will have the update done this week as well as the last A pillar fixed. Also getting the tin roof sound taken care of. The MFT upgrade will be welcomed... although I haven't really had any problems with it. I read the directions. I've seen a couple of videos on youtube with some pretty.... well lets just say non tech savvy people. LOL. It was a husband wife combination trying to get 7000 songs to load from an IPOD. While it was indexing and loading they were trying to use voice prompts. It wasn't ready to use due to the huge amount of songs on it. They kept pressing the buttons and both of them were talking at the same time. Completely screwing up the system. LMAO. Then they said it was MFT all screwed up. NNNNNNNNN. wrong. It was user mistakes. Or as I call it the I D 10 T effect..

Thats Eye D Ten Tee.

Here's the link. You tell me if it's MFT or some very impatient people. Anyway..... I think Ford is doing an excellent job. Oh look at the bottom left and see that the IPOD is indexing and BUILDING COMMANDS....... Can't get it to do stuff until its finished. LMAO


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Please be sure to let us know how the "rain noise" fix works and if any new rattles show up from the repair activity (that is my fear).


Just got latest CR annual auto issue yesterday. They've started to accumulate reliability data on current gen (2011) Explorers and it's below average as expected. "Say what you want" is what they did, I think next years report will be more meaningful with larger sampling.

Yeah.... I got the magazine too. But, if I'm not mistaken everything that CR was responsible for... I mean, THEIR assessments of the car, was sub par. Yet, go over to the USER (taken from surveys) input section (the one with all the 'dots) covering a list of different categories... pretty much everything is RED (excellent). So much for editorial vs. factual response.

Granted, there is some user error, especially with a system like this. However, CR, Car and Driver, Motor Trend, JD Powers (sunk to 23rd from 5th place), CNET and lots of more tech savvy consumers have noticed some real MFT issues as has Ford which, to its credit, is trying to address.

I like the Explorer (my old one and my new one (except for MFT)) but there are serious MFT bugs that are not user error. Bluetooth audio (playing music or streaming audio over bluetooth and I only have 10 songs on my iPhone) for me does not work at least half the time (works sometimes which is maddening). USB audio works most of the time but cuts out and stops often (requiring unplugging and replugging the device). Nav sometimes doesn't work or has the wrong location by a few miles (I have had nav on other cars and never had the problems I have had in this car).

If I just used the radio and climate control, I probably wouldn't have these problems and would be completely happy, but I am used to using these features on my other cars (and with other devices) with no problems so when I have the bugs I have had with the Explorer, it is an issue.

I am glad that Ford is trying to take care of these issues and I hope that these kinds of complaints will go away after the update.

Granted, there is some user error, especially with a system like this. However, CR, Car and Driver, Motor Trend, JD Powers (sunk to 23rd from 5th place), CNET and lots of more tech savvy consumers have noticed some real MFT issues as has Ford which, to its credit, is trying to address.

They probably just didn't read the directions! ;)


Please be sure to let us know how the "rain noise" fix works and if any new rattles show up from the repair activity (that is my fear).


Will do. As soon as it's fixed she's going through the car wash. Usually get a couple of pink pink sounds in there. Cheers.:salute:

What is the fix for the tin roof (rain drops) sound? How do they fix that?

It's actually a type of low expansion foam that they inject into the cavity. It's explained on the TSB.

Remove both sun visor screw covers and allow both visors to hang down.
Install shop towels or equivalent directly beneath the foam insertion points to protect the interior of the vehicle.
Using Fusor® 121 flexible foam repair kit.
Install a mixing tip onto the expandable foam cartridge.
Attach a 15.24 cm (6") piece of 0.635 cm (1/4") ID x 0.952 cm (3/8") OD (max) rubber tubing to the mixing tip.
Secure the rubber tubing to the mixing tip with a cable tie, tape or clamp. (Figure 1)

Heres the product link. Lord help us. Can I have an Amen.


Smack that bug.

Well..... They say they fixed it. Apparently the bodyshop guy who did the work said the stuff they inject is very hard to work with. When I went out to check it, the sound wasn't as tinny as before when I hit it with my finger. It's still tinny though. We'll have to wait until a drop hits it to know for sure. My A pillars were done as well. It's windy here today and I haven't heard a peep out of them on the way home. I hope that's it for the A pillar issue. MFT update will end all my concerns. (Not that I had to much of an issue with MFT. Minor stuff.) TTFN
