SCT Xcal 3 programmer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SCT Xcal 3 programmer

I bought this and never used it. The programmer is new. It's not locked and doesn't have a tune. $270 shipped in the USA. Thanks, John.


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Man if I had the money I'd grab this right now.

^^^ What he said... LOL. Keep us updated on whether it sells or not please. I might get lucky and have a few extra bucks laying around.

Subscribed the day you posted. Just not in the budget right now. I can't believe you still have it.

If no tunes are on it then can I download them or do I have to buy them from sct dealer ? How much do the tunes go for ?

I'm surprised it hasn't sold yet myself, I thought that was a fair price,

If no tunes are on it then can I download them or do I have to buy them from sct dealer ? How much do the tunes go for ?

You can download a tune from anywhere that sells them. If you search the board there is a guy everyone recommends I just can't remember who it is. I've heard of tunes costing anywhere from $40 to $75.

price drop

Price drop! I could use some cash. $220 shipped.

I have money and am willing to buy NOW!
Cash, PayPal, money order, bank check, etc...
Let me know how you want to do this.

Seth K. Pyle

I have money and am willing to buy NOW!
Cash, PayPal, money order, bank check, etc...
Let me know how you want to do this.

Seth K. Pyle

Hey Seth, I sent you a PM.

Tuner is SOLD! Thanks Seth!

No, thank YOU!

I promise to use it with good intent. Of making my Explorer more fun to drive! :D

Seth K. Pyle
