Seat belt doesn't retract | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seat belt doesn't retract


April 21, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Hillsborough, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer Sport
Hello all, I am thinking of replacing the drivers side seat belt on my 99 Sport. Has anyone here done this? How hard is it to do? Any info will be helpful. All of the videos on YouTube are for the 4-doors. Thanks

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Mine fails to retract when it gets cold out. I think the grease in it has hardened over the years. Haven't bothered to fix that yet because it does retract with a bit of coaxing, just pulling it in.

Replacement, is it not the same procedure for 2dr vs 4dr, what is different?

Mine fails to retract when it gets cold out. I think the grease in it has hardened over the years. Haven't bothered to fix that yet because it does retract with a bit of coaxing, just pulling it in.

Replacement, is it not the same procedure for 2dr vs 4dr, what is different?
Mine used to only jam up in the winter too. It's 90+ here and it almost takes 2 hands to pull the belt out to lock it in(I'm no small person). The biggest difference is that the panel covering the retractor is one piece going all the to the back of the vehicle.

I've pulled off the (rear) side panel before on my '98, wasn't too hard but forget the details besides common hand tools and maybe I used some trim tools for the plastic push clips. If I did, this is the set I have:

Seems like you just have a larger panel to take off or at least loose on the front end of it then unbolt the belt mechanism?

I've pulled off the (rear) side panel before on my '98, wasn't too hard but forget the details besides common hand tools and maybe I used some trim tools for the plastic push clips. If I did, this is the set I have:

Seems like you just have a larger panel to take off or at least loose on the front end of it then unbolt the belt mechanism?
Thanks J_C. I actually have 2 of these kits. I still my just try to pry enough of the panel out to remove the retractor and replace the belt. It is the only reason I don't drive the truck as much as I want. I'll update you on how it goes.

Well all, it looks like the 2-doors are special. By default, one would think the 2-door and the 4-door seat belts would be a match, not so much. anyone here own a 2-door and have line on where to get this part? There's not a salvage for a 60 mile radius from me that has one or the 2-door Navaho. As always, any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks J_C. I actually have 2 of these kits. I still my just try to pry enough of the panel out to remove the retractor and replace the belt. It is the only reason I don't drive the truck as much as I want. I'll update you on how it goes.

Thanks cober. I don't think I want to change the just the strap. I'm able to get my retractor out completely, just can't find the 2-door replacement. I have an assembly I pulled from an 01 Ranger that could work if I modify the floor anchor plate. If I do decide to replace the strap, your video will be very informative. Thanks again.

Well all, it looks like the 2-doors are special. By default, one would think the 2-door and the 4-door seat belts would be a match, not so much. anyone here own a 2-door and have line on where to get this part? There's not a salvage for a 60 mile radius from me that has one or the 2-door Navaho. As always, any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Thanks cober. I don't think I want to change the just the strap. I'm able to get my retractor out completely, just can't find the 2-door replacement. I have an assembly I pulled from an 01 Ranger that could work if I modify the floor anchor plate. If I do decide to replace the strap, your video will be very informative. Thanks again.
Why change retractor?

Why change retractor?
That's what I was thinking
Why not just clean and re lube it
I did clean it up and shot some WD-40 in each roller(probably should've used lithium grease). It works a little better than before. Something else I need to address is the lock spring. I've always had issues with it. I'll probably get some lithium grease and do a more thorough lubing. Thanks for your input both cober and donalds, I really appreciate it.

you can send your belt in for complete refurbish
I have modified the "anchor plate" many times in order to mix match seat belts
You have to make sure the junk yard seat belt you get also clips into your seat buckle on the other side as they change this every few years, otherwise you have to change out the buckle side as well

I have ranger belts in my BII and i had an upholstery shop change the webbing from red to black....they shorted me about 12" of material making my belts too short so I modded the anchor bracket and moved them up the b pillar 6"
Seat belts can be swapped around but sometimes its a PITA
Rangers are different from explorers different 2 door vs 4 door, extended cab vs super cab etc its a pita

There is a company on ebay you send in your belts they refurbish and send back......not a bad way to go!
First I would try to rehab them myself if the webbing is not worn

That's what I was thinking
Why not just clean and re lube it
And even this unnesessary! Mine was like brand new. Cover protects them mechanism very well. Only fabric wears off.

And also I shorten the new ones a little. Now they jump in like Wile E. Coyote

you can send your belt in for complete refurbish
I have modified the "anchor plate" many times in order to mix match seat belts
You have to make sure the junk yard seat belt you get also clips into your seat buckle on the other side as they change this every few years, otherwise you have to change out the buckle side as well

I have ranger belts in my BII and i had an upholstery shop change the webbing from red to black....they shorted me about 12" of material making my belts too short so I modded the anchor bracket and moved them up the b pillar 6"
Seat belts can be swapped around but sometimes its a PITA
Rangers are different from explorers different 2 door vs 4 door, extended cab vs super cab etc its a pita

There is a company on ebay you send in your belts they refurbish and send back......not a bad way to go!
First I would try to rehab them myself if the webbing is not worn
Thanks 410, I've seen them on eBay. The webbing is not worn but dirty. I got the retractor completely unspooled and it still sticks. I have an assembly from the 01 Ranger. The mounts match and it latches perfectly Might put it on and send the original off to eBay.

And even this unnesessary! Mine was like brand new. Cover protects them mechanism very well. Only fabric wears off.
Hi cober. I pulled all of the belt out and the return is still bad. I think moisture got into the assembly so I think I'll try the lithium grease first. Thanks again for your input.

What do these look like opened up, anyone have pics?
kinda like this

Thanks. Can it be further disassembled to get to a clockspring or whatever's driving it?

better not touch it

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What do these look like opened up, anyone have pics?
Didn't take any pictures. When I opened it up, there was the retractor but the belt was fed under almost what would be an idle pulley before leaving the assembly. Unfortunately Ford doesn't have an exploded view of the internal assembly. Had another salvage yard bring me one from a 99 4-door that looked the same except for the mounting pins.
