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Shake or shimmy in front end.

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uscav82, you do know that Ford doesn't read these posts don't you?


Maybe Ford should read these posts than, correct?!!! Why would a consumer like me or others buy again Ford if they do not give a shxxt!!! I think this forum is valuable input for Ford to improve quality; Ford is failing not to read this posts on this valuable forum! Perhaps that is why Ford quality fails to improve over the years as per my personal perception; a long term Ford purchaser (28yr) here; it has been crap lately! To read repeatedly that Ford does not read this forum does not give me a comforting feeling Peter (not personally blaming you :))!

I have mentioned before, Ford designs nice products; but they do not put it well together!

50-75 Mph vibrations

I see I'm late to this party. 2013 Ford Explorer Limited AWD with 76K bought used last November (73K when I got it). Thought the freeway vibrations and shimmy at lower speeds was older tires. Procrastinated on getting new tires until a month ago (we only drive this on trips or weekends, we have DD's). First got Bridgestones then went to Hankooks chasing this vibration. Ford Dealer where I bought it from said at first that because I didn't get the tires road force balanced that was the issue. Then replaced the front struts and still vibrates but worse at highway speeds. Note, the rear gear housing and maybe some other components of the rear end were replaced shorty after I bought it due to a leak in the rear gear because a bearing wore out. I've had it back to them 4 times for this vibration, the service manager actually told me in an email that I should take my vehicle to another dealer. All I own is Ford, 2 Escapes and a Mustang. Who tells a customer like that to take it to someone else? This is a really big Ford dealer as well. Reading through all these comments this is an issue going on to the 16 models. Very frustrated.:(

2015 Xlt 4wd at the dealer for the "waddle". Vehicle was purchased with 10k on it. Is there a true fix for it? My parents also have a 2015 with no waddle, just smooth ride. I'm curious those experiencing the waddle do you have the 20 inch wheels like I do? And yes I've read all the other threads.

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Are you referring to a shaking or front end shimmy? 20" tires are prone to "flat spotting" if the vehicle sits for a while or when the weather is cold. Flat spotting should clear up after a few miles.


Yes I'm referring to a shaking that is present upto about 15mph then goes away. I'm pretty sure it's not flat spotting. Both my mustangs sit for extended periods and experience this but it clears up after a few warm up miles. I was wondering if it was more prevalent in cars with the 20 inch vs the 18 inch which has more sidewall. So basically are any Xlt owners with the base wheel experiencing this shimmy?

I have it occasionally with my current vehicle with 20" wheels but didn't notice it when I used the 18" Winters. Same thing when I had my 2011 Explorer Limited.


So basically are any Xlt owners with the base wheel experiencing this shimmy?

Yes, and it's normal on 4WD equipped from day 1. 2011 XLT 4WD with 18s.

It's unrelated to tires/wheels. It's in the transfer of power to the rear wheels from start under certain conditions.

It's an engineering issue.

Yes, and it's normal on 4WD equipped from day 1. 2011 XLT 4WD with 18s.

It's unrelated to tires/wheels. It's in the transfer of power to the rear wheels from start under certain conditions.

It's an engineering issue.

Got the car back from the dealer last night. The issue was narrowed down to the rear which they will be replacing in 2 weeks. If it solves it I'll let everyone know. Also Ford said it is definitely not normal they shouldn't wobble. Being that I have access to the exact same year and model I know it's not normal and that one rides smooth with no issues. The dealer also contacted Ford engineering which I think help steer them in the right direction. Fingers crossed.

No, mine only shimmys or shakes when pulling off from a stop. Will do it when going straight or when going to left or right and not every time.
Goes away after 2-3 seconds.
It's not torque steer. It does not pull to either side. Just shakes from side to side.
I'm new to this site, but I was on here trying to see a solution myself. Mine was either a shake or almost like a tire wobbling,i paid close attention n I also had a very faint movement in steering at all speeds and I mean faint. I just had mine in and they replace strut mounts which seems to have fixed the problem. Hope this helps you! Mine was only really noticeable during take off from a stop also!

Hey just found this post after long searching. My 2013 explorer does the same thing and is getting worse. I've had it to two different dealers and both said it was tire balance and balanced the tires. Vibration still there. One dealer tried refazing driveshaft. Still there. Both dealers acknowledge the "wobble". But can't figure it out. Can't really blame them because I feel that it's a design issue. Really annoying and frustrating! Second guessing this purchase.
Just had my strut mounts done and seems to have fixed the prob! Good luck

I'm new to this site, but I was on here trying to see a solution myself. Mine was either a shake or almost like a tire wobbling,i paid close attention n I also had a very faint movement in steering at all speeds and I mean faint. I just had mine in and they replace strut mounts which seems to have fixed the problem. Hope this helps you! Mine was only really noticeable during take off from a stop also!
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
I hope the repair you posted does indeed correct the problem.


The Explorer is finally fixed. The rear diff was replaced and that took care of about 85% of the shimmy. A new passenger side axle was then installed and the problem is completly gone. Big thanks to Prestige Lincoln in Paramus for your persistence and driving the car back to us and swapping the loaner.

Thanks for sharing and I am glad they were able to at least solve yours. The vibration in mine is more pronounced at higher speeds, all the way up to highway speeds. Maybe someone will figure this one out too and save folks some serious headaches and suspension parts cash. I know I'd like my $640 back!

The Explorer is finally fixed. The rear diff was replaced and that took care of about 85% of the shimmy. A new passenger side axle was then installed and the problem is completly gone. Big thanks to Prestige Lincoln in Paramus for your persistence and driving the car back to us and swapping the loaner.

Glad for notes like this, gives me hope. Ford service reps watching the forums, has a TSB been issued for this? Otherwise I might need my local shop to reach out to another dealer like Prestige who has successfully tackled this. I can't afford to pay my shop to start from scratch...

Glad for notes like this, gives me hope. Ford service reps watching the forums, has a TSB been issued for this? Otherwise I might need my local shop to reach out to another dealer like Prestige who has successfully tackled this. I can't afford to pay my shop to start from scratch...
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
The FordService reps are out of the office until the 10th. It is always best to send them a private message rather than hoping they'll catch your post. There is a thread of known to us TSB's in the "List of Useful /Threads" at the beginning of this sub forum.


Glad for notes like this, gives me hope. Ford service reps watching the forums, has a TSB been issued for this? Otherwise I might need my local shop to reach out to another dealer like Prestige who has successfully tackled this. I can't afford to pay my shop to start from scratch...
I replied to your PM on Monday, enguneer.

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
The FordService reps are out of the office until the 10th. It is always best to send them a private message rather than hoping they'll catch your post. There is a thread of known to us TSB's in the "List of Useful /Threads" at the beginning of this sub forum.

Thank you for the support, peterk9!


I had the same problem until it was undrivable. Took it to the dealer and it was the front driveshaft. Then it took a few days because the dealer said it was on worldwide back order for the parts.

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I had the same problem until it was undrivable. Took it to the dealer and it was the front driveshaft. Then it took a few days because the dealer said it was on worldwide back order for the parts.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
I take it all is okay now?

