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Shelby Terlingua GTG in Terlingua, Tx

no hail damage to the cars hopefully

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Ok, short update, as I for got my power cord so I'm on battery power, although I can recharge in the truck, this would be my laptop.

I am assuming that would be the cord still lying in the floor next to the desk? :p:

Wait a minute...what is the Ranger in the first picture?

From what Jeff told me, that is a truck that Quantum Performance (authorized Shelby place) did for themselves. Don't think you can order those.

And Jeff's last text to me stated marble-sized hail and that all the cars are out in it. :(

And Jeff, when you can read this...DeWayne and Christine are on their way with, as he put it on FB, two bunnies and three GT500 verts. :thumbsup:

New text message from Jeff..."Golf ball size hail. Car is badly damaged, truck not too bad, resort trashed, road flooded, bad damage everywhere!"

I am assuming that would be the cord still lying in the floor next to the desk? :p:

From what Jeff told me, that is a truck that Quantum Performance (authorized Shelby place) did for themselves. Don't think you can order those.

And Jeff's last text to me stated marble-sized hail and that all the cars are out in it. :(

And Jeff, when you can read this...DeWayne and Christine are on their way with, as he put it on FB, two bunnies and three GT500 verts. :thumbsup:

Dang! No Bueno on the hail!

I wonder if they would sell the ranger (just kidding)

Damage! arghhhh!


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Did you have something to say Gavin? All you did was quote the OP. That's just clutter. I'm going to delete your post.

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yea sorry about that i woundering if that Terlingua ranger on the first page was a 4x4.

SVO's watching gay asian **** on TV at the resort. He must be missing Ben.
OMG, it was an Asian guy talking like Captain Kirk. :rolleyes:

HOLY ****!!!

Ok, 10pm here we're still without power, all the way from Lajitas to Terlingua, the RioGrande flooded one way out, and there are at least 5 other water crossing that are way flooded, we traversed them, to get to Terlingua but huge rocks in the road, and lots of structure damage, one house totally burned to the ground from lightning.

The car trailer was moved some 3-4feet from where it was parked, and looks like it was left at the end of a driving range and golfers took to it like a fat kid on a cup cake, it's totaled.

The Terlingua has several thousand dollars worth of damage to it as does the truck, but not near as bad as the trailer.

We have no cell phones, the tower was damaged and with no power, NOTHING.

The Resort has a stand by generator running part of the office which includes the WiFi, and I'm in the truck with the power cable, Rick took the generator out of the trail and has it running his junk in his room.

Lemme see if I can up load some pictures for you all, it was bad!

Oh crap! Why was the car out of the trailer?

Fixing it, driving it, enjoying it on the roads.

OK so here is earlier in the day, before I hit the pool and the storm rolled in:



I don't think it was a hail storm at all. I think a couple guys had a few too many from the naughty bottle and wreaked carnage on the poor little defenseless drinking goat.

my buddy (the one that painted evil) and i were just talking about hail the the other day. seeing that i don't have a garage to park in, and evil is always left to fend for herself, he told me this (and if most of you know this, my apologies). if it starts hailing outside, get a sleeping bag, and chuck it on the car. i know, and doubt it would help if it was baseball size, but idea for next time.

sucks about the car jeff. do you guys even think the race will still be on after mother natures little hissy fit?

When I talked to Jeff last night (when cell service finally kicked back in), they were planning on staying there and seeing about playing with the car today at the airport. I mean, the car looks bad but what's under the hood is what matters. ;) Some of our friends are on their way out there with their Terlingua Mustangs along with some other GT500 verts. He posted on my facebook that they were fine since we were worried that they would be driving into the storm.

The part I am worried about is that the Terlingua is getting shown at Late Model Restoration's 10th Anniversary, in Ennis, TX, on November 14, 2009. Just hope Rick can find someone that is good enough to fix the car and it be ready by then.






Damn...sorry to see the damage..

Been quietly following the thread drooling :D.

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Damn that sucks!!
We did get tennis ball sized hail 2 weeks ago, good thing none of the explorers got hit, but my sis had her focus out and it got damaged in the fenders, hood and roof, my friend's neon and silverado lost all glass (including mirrors), all lights, and got most of the body damaged, pets died, etc etc
Thankfully you didn't get that much damage in the car
