Show me your 20's on Explorers 2006 on.... | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Show me your 20's on Explorers 2006 on....

this is now (stock)


this is what i wanna do....

anyone who has bought aftermarket wanna sell your 20 inch OEM wheels?

ok so i couldn't get the stock 20's they were way to exspensive...but heres what i got...




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Mford514 - Looks great. The odds of getting the Ford OEM 20's for a reasonable price is near zero. Aftermarket solutions for 20's are more affordable with more choices.

I did the same and purchased aftermarket wheels recently. They are MRR Design HR4 20x9 35 offset with center bore machined/enlarged to Ford center bore spec for hubcentric fit (machined face/black background). I haven't figured out how to post pics.

Mford514 - Looks great. The odds of getting the Ford OEM 20's for a reasonable price is near zero. Aftermarket solutions for 20's are more affordable with more choices.

I did the same and purchased aftermarket wheels recently. They are MRR Design HR4 20x9 35 offset with center bore machined/enlarged to Ford center bore spec for hubcentric fit (machined face/black background). I haven't figured out how to post pics.

Open up a photobucket account(it's free). After the selected picture is uploaded onto photobucket, you'll see an IMG link. Copy that link and paste it onto the message box on here and hit submit:D

U open that photo bucket account yet?...I wanna see the pics! !!

U open that photo bucket account yet?...I wanna see the pics! !!

Have not yet (I'm using my IPod). Will do when I get to office in a couple of days.

Unable to open a Photobucket account, something is wrong on their website maybe.



  • XExplrearwh2-1.jpg
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  • XExplrr-1.jpg
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The 3 images above are the MRR HR4 20x9's.

got the mtm look goin on.

mtm = made to manage software from what I remember (m2m).

But certainly a road going SUV look, not offroad style, which resembles actual usage being dry/rainy/snowy roads and occassional easy Jeep trails at my sister's ranch and friend's ranch.

It's a bit of a Range Rover OEM 10 spoke design with some extra depth. The finish is machined with black background (which matches the Eddie Baur roof rack), easy to keep clean.

I really like them, different and unique! :thumbsup::thumbsup:


  • XExplrearwh2-1.jpg
    345.3 KB · Views: 103

G'day, how are you liking the nexen tyres?

Too early for proper review, but I have a few hundred miles on dry and wet roads, traction is good.

Noise levels are good for a 45 series tire (275/45/20). A bit more small bump harshness than I prefer otherwise comfort is fair to good. Load rating and treadwear numbers are high so I expect treadlife to be good.

M&S rated for those in CA (chain controls), I haven't driven in snow yet.

Nexen Rodian HP

Cool, I've only just got mine too. Pretty happy so far, AT ll's

mtm = made to manage software from what I remember (m2m).

But certainly a road going SUV look, not offroad style, which resembles actual usage being dry/rainy/snowy roads and occassional easy Jeep trails at my sister's ranch and friend's ranch.

It's a bit of a Range Rover OEM 10 spoke design with some extra depth. The finish is machined with black background (which matches the Eddie Baur roof rack), easy to keep clean.

mtm audi lol..

i think they look much better than stock...but not my taist to be honest...but then again i am partial to my CHROME !! lol

Thanks Mford514 for your comments. Since my Explorer is Eddie Bauer, I wanted to match the trim of the side view of the vehicle includes lots of black trim (window frames, mirror details, rack ends, floorboard rubber) and a satin silver finish on the roof rack. So I picked a machined finish silver wheel with black background.

I did chrome years ago on my Hummer (Moto Metal 951's) with Nitto Terra Grabbler tires, it looked good on that bling machine.

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Bumping it up in case somebody has installed new wheels over the holidays....
