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Photos Show off your LIFTED 2nd GEN

I just lifted the back of my explorer and put 31x10.5 bfgoodrich tires on and i was wondering is there anyway i can lift the front of my truck without a torsion twist? i have a 97 xlt awd and i put warrior shackles on the back but now the rear is an 1 1/2 - 2 inches higher then the front. Can i just buy a body lift but just for the front, like a leveling kit. I dont want to have to buy new torsion bars if i mess it up.

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1997 XLT 5.0 lifted 3 inches shackles and suspension lift
bfgoodrich all-terrains 31x10.5 warrior 153 shackles

How's the ride with the body lift?

A body lift does not affect the suspension of the vehicle. It will ride exactly the same, EXCEPT you have a higher center of gravity now. You MAY notice a slight increase in body roll. I drove for years on a 2" body lift, TT/shackles and 33" tires with no sway bars. Never thought I was going to roll... and I drove like an 18 year old kid... because I was. The explorer is a very stable platform, just keep your air pressure in check.

A body lift does not affect the suspension of the vehicle. It will ride exactly the same, EXCEPT you have a higher center of gravity now. You MAY notice a slight increase in body roll. I drove for years on a 2" body lift, TT/shackles and 33" tires with no sway bars. Never thought I was going to roll... and I drove like an 18 year old kid... because I was. The explorer is a very stable platform, just keep your air pressure in check.

Yeah I know that, everyone kept telling me that the ride is rougher and what not. Not sure why, but I figured I'll ask someone with actual experience using one, rather than people that "hear about" them

I noticed no difference after the body lift tbh except a nicer ride after backing off the TT a bit

Led the way snow bashing:



I got stuck many times and had to get winched backwards.

Later on we came across a tree that was blocking the trail. I got out my bow saw and cut it partway through. Then we put a strap on it and snapped it off.

Then this happened while climbing a snowy section:

Took the rear driveshaft off but FWD wasn't enough to climb up the trail- it just dug in. So this is why you always go wheeling with someone. We hooked up a snatch strap and I got towed out:

2000 Explorer - Stock.jpg
2000 Explorer - 2inch suspension - 3inch body.jpg
2000 Explorer - Before and After

1st pic is before the lift (stock);

2nd pic is after new shocks, AAL, War 153, TT to level the front with rear and PA 883 Body Lift - all on 15x8 32x11.5's (still need to raise rear bumper);

Looks good Clevalley.

I'm in the market for an explorer. I hope you guys can help me with deciding which one to get. V6 or v8 and awd or 4x4 and does the trim package matter (lxs, lxt, EB, limited edition, limited). I live in Phoenix Arizona so the only time it will see trails or any offroad action is probably once a month. I work 2 miles from home to mpg won't be an issue.

Any input will be greatly appreciated

I'm in the market for an explorer. I hope you guys can help me with deciding which one to get. V6 or v8 and awd or 4x4 and does the trim package matter (lxs, lxt, EB, limited edition, limited). I live in Phoenix Arizona so the only time it will see trails or any offroad action is probably once a month. I work 2 miles from home to mpg won't be an issue.

Any input will be greatly appreciated

V8 AWD. Trim package is entirely a personal choice.

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Im new to this forum. I have a 97 ford explorer eddie Bauer 4.0 looking for a place to get parts cheap I have a problem with the control trac had to remove the shift motor and cut the brown wire to keep the transfer case from engaging while driving down the high way jerking the front end and having to stop completely and it would be alright for a few miles wonder if any one has had this problem this is my first ford explorer I ever owned and its a nice suv just need to fix the 4x4.

And I am also looking for a good lift kit
