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Slosh Module (Solved)


Active Member
August 12, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer XLT 1994
I thought I saw a thread on bypassing the splash Module. Does anyone else remember something like this? I have searched for an hour, I hope I not just making this up? Thank you in advance for your help.

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Its the inertia switch (steel ball), which shouldnt be bypassed. A faulty switch combined with a roll over could result in big boom

WHAT? Inertia switch? WTH?

The slosh module is in the instrument cluster
It levels out the signal from the fuel tank level sender (float) as you drive around so the gas guage does not bounce up and down
I too have seen people bypass it before for testing, although I have not done it, it should be fairly straight forward. The signal from the fuel sender comes to the inst cluster then is routed over to the anti slosh before finally heading to the gauge. So you want to find the wire in the printed circuit board on the back of the inst cluster that feeds directly to the gauge and tap into there....
I have run into one bad slosh module in 25 years, I simply replaced it.
My Bronco II does not have one because the gauges and dash are custom...I wish it did! That needle bounces all day long makes it tricky to get a read on fuel level sometimes

if you bypass that module [resistor] your gauges should read maximum

Ok bypassed slosh module and fuel gauge is working. However this is getting to be a real pain. Still running real rough, have to nurse it along and when at a stop the whole truck seems to lope and almost die. Got home tonight and run codes again as follows:

KOEO: 556

Memory 211,176,172,332

KOER: 412,536,212

Even after looking up codes I don't know what they mean and if clearing up one particular code would clear up the others or where to start, someone point me in the right direction please. Thanks again

hmmmmm those codes do not compute??

How did you get them? scanner or paperclip method?

This is a 94 Explorer auto or 5 speed?
You need to check your fuel pressure

hmmmmm those codes do not compute??

How did you get them? scanner or paperclip method?

This is a 94 Explorer auto or 5 speed?
You need to check your fuel pressure
Thanks for the reply. I used a scanner, don't have any way to measure fuel pressure, however is a new pump assy. Going to look some more later today and see what I can find. I may clear the codes and re-read them.

There's a tap for fuel pressure off the fuel rail, it looks like a tire valve. Gauges are pretty cheap, a good shop may even let you rent one. I have found it a must for working on my Explorer.
Thanks for that info, was not aware of how to check it. I have a leak in the fuel tank/hoses from replacing the fuel pump, only when I fill it completely up I lost about a gallon on two on the ground. I am sure that is affecting the fuel pressure. However, I did discover another vacuum off , i ran codes then cleared them (was the same 5 or 6 from before). I replaced the hose then ran the codes again.....only one code!! It was for O2 sensor and that was all. Runs 100% better. Thank you

02 sensor code will either be the 02 sensor working properly and giving you information (like lean or rich)
the code will be a circuit failure in the heater element of the 02 sensor

What was the 02 code?

Fuel leak sounds like its in the filler neck? That's not good!

02 sensor code will either be the 02 sensor working properly and giving you information (like lean or rich)
the code will be a circuit failure in the heater element of the 02 sensor

What was the 02 code?

Fuel leak sounds like its in the filler neck? That's not good!
Thanks for the reply, the code was 172. We are going to check it out soon, it is going to be 105 next xouple of days so not doing much outside.

check fuel pressure
check for vacuum leak
clean mas air flow sensor

Not very often do I see a rich code on a truck like yours unless fuel pressure is high (bad fuel pressure regulator or vaccuum line to it) or an injector is bad (stuck open) and letting fuel through all the time

check fuel pressure
check for vacuum leak
clean mas air flow sensor

Not very often do I see a rich code on a truck like yours unless fuel pressure is high (bad fuel pressure regulator or vacuum line to it) or an injector is bad (stuck open) and letting fuel through all the time

Thanks 410 for the reply, so it continues. Drove it last night and it run great! Until my sister called and ask if it was fixed and I said yes, and I swear that very second it started the same stuff again. I swear freaked me out, I won't let her ask me how I'm doing. LOL Took you advice(as much as I could). Checked for more vacuum leaks, couldn't find any. Used MAF cleaner to clean sensor. Haven't got my hands on fuel pressure gauge yet Then I erased the codes and drove it. Doing same thing bucking and hesitating. Read codes again and here's what I got:

KOEO: 556


KOER: 412, 172

Don't understand why codes are gone then same ones come back? It runs ok for a while and then same ol' sameo? Can someone make any sense of this, please.

Are you leaking coolant into your heads?

Code 556 Fuel pump relay primary circuit fault – Power / Fuel Pump Circuits

This is a BIG RED FLAG!!!!!!! It doesn't matter if you have a new fuel pump if it is not getting good power!
And since it is a KOEO code that means that it is seeing the problem RIGHT THEN!

Code 211 Ignition PIP signal was erratic or missing – Ignition Systems This relates to the Crank Sensor and the variable signal it sends to the ECM. If the engine is misfiring for lack of fuel and bucking and shaking it is hard for the crank sensor to send a good signal.

Code 172 Oxygen sensor not switching – system is or was lean – Single, Right or Rear HO2S – Fuel control Probably relates to code 556. Not getting enough fuel it runs lean.

Code 412 Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too low) – ISC Again probably relates to code 556. If it is not getting enough fuel all the air control it can do won't help.

The OBD system won't tell you what the problem is, it gives you clues as to where to start looking.

fuel pump/system issues

Still trying to find something in regards to code 556. All the wiring harness colors do not match the diagrams so that is a challenge. I did find a hose that appears to be a vacuum hose that is just sticking up from the top of the front differential. looks like and upside down "J"? Have looked everywhere and can find no reference to it and don't see anyplace to connect it.
Anyone know what and where this hose goes to? Looks to be about 6" long 1/4 ID with and upside down "J" bend at the top. Need to get this thing going tonight, so it's going to be a long night. Thanks again, couldn't do it without your help and knowledge.

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that is the vent line for your front differential
When the gear lube inside your diff gets hot it expands, the air in the differential case above it must have someplace to go.
The rear differential, front diff, transfer case and transmission all have their own vent lines like this.
The J shape is to keep water out

When you turn the key for the first time do you hear the fuel pump prime in the tank?
What is your fuel pressure?

The 556 code may not mean anything
It is simple to test the fuel pump fuse, relay, intertia switch and finally pump power and pressure
Start with listening for the pump to prime and then fuel rail pressure to see if there is a problem
