SNJ's Rig (full build progress thread) | Page 33 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SNJ's Rig (full build progress thread)

yea im like a week behind in updating.

I put an alec trans fan in and got the alignment as taken care of as i can with 6 inch brackets and 8 inch springs

damn thing dont fit in the door....


nor can i get the hood up in here now.... hence the hood prop

maby i shouldhave gotten the right size, instead of modding the bigger one to fit.... nah.....



set it up with an adjustable temp control to go on at "about yeigh" degrees with a manual switch override. this has only been on the todo list for, well how many years have i had this damn thing?

i was going to give her a auto rearview out of the old ltd, but someone glued the mittor to the button so i instead broke the windshield...
