So....I bought a OBS Bronco. '92 Bronco XLT. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So....I bought a OBS Bronco. '92 Bronco XLT.

So the Bronco has a Drone to it since I bought it. It's almost deafening at about 60-65 mph. I thought it was tires, which I replaced. Then the muffler, which I have determined it is not, by shifting into neutral at 70 on a hill and it changed nothing. I'm thinking it's somewhere in the drivetrain, maybe the u-joints in the driveshaft. I will also check the bearings.

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So the Bronco has a Drone to it since I bought it. It's almost deafening at about 60-65 mph. I thought it was tires, which I replaced. Then the muffler, which I have determined it is not, by shifting into neutral at 70 on a hill and it changed nothing. I'm thinking it's somewhere in the drivetrain, maybe the u-joints in the driveshaft. I will also check the bearings.
I just went through something similar in one of the explorers. I had a rumble in the front end and feedback in the steering wheel on hard turns. I was convinced it was u-joints locking up. Never would i have thought that only the inner front wheel bearings would have caused this. I replaced only the inner bearings and races on both sides and it drives like new.

That's going to be fun to track down. I would start by servicing the wheel bearings and see if any need replacing, work your way in and back.

Funny thing it's only sound no vibration. So you turn the radio up or windows down and nothing.

On other soon as I wax the paint, the green stripe on the trailer matches...😁


So I have not done a update on the Bronco in a while. That's actually for 2 reasons.

#1. gas went through the roof, and I parked it. $6.50 a gallon at 11 miles per gallon is tough pill to swallow.

#2. In April, I took the dogs to the vet in it. (Perfect dog car, with them in the cargo area and the rear glass down.) The O/D light started blinking. She shifted fine, but something wasn't right. Fluid looked like crap, and so it got parked again and just started it or moved around the yard once a month.

Now gas is back under $5 a gallon, I decided to do something with her. I still have a pile of parts to go on it. So currently she is at the Transmission shop, where.....drum roll..... she get the transmission rebuilt. 😞. Hopefully this will also solve the droning issue. After I put the rest of the parts on, new drums, u-joints, a few other little things, she will be like a new truck.

Plan is to get her back, throw the other parts on, and there is a Bronco run next month in Big Bear, I'm going to try and make. Should be fun.

@Stic-o I'm a thousand years late to the game, but good find! These pop up around the east coast every once and again, I see them running around about every other time I go out. They're bigger than I'd want to daily, but they were from a time when trucks were trucks!

So been spending some time this weekend giving the Bronco love. Decided to start removing 30 years of oxidation.



After. Also removed the trim that was practically falling off anyway.


Finally had mine and my coworkers in the same place at same time.



The older one looks better. I wish Ford would recreate that magic

The older one looks better. I wish Ford would recreate that magic
agreed, but i think for now they did a decent job imo, much better than the blazer lol!!!!! that said i wouldnt mind a 90s bronco just brand new, same with the 2g. just dont think anyone would buy it except us

they are about the same size
Oh how times have changed

Finally had mine and my coworkers in the same place at same time.
Pretty cool!
much better than the blazer
Yuup, got a buddy that's hard core Ist gen(Blazer), every time he sees a new one I gotta get my phone handy cause there's a damn good chance he could suffer a stroke or heat attack

Pretty cool!

Yuup, got a buddy that's hard core Ist gen(Blazer), every time he see's a new one I gotta get my phone handy cause there's a damn good chance he could suffer a stroke or heat attack
I'm not that bad, but in my mind I feel that way when I see another Merkur on the road. It is proof mine isn't the last one still moving under its own power....

Pretty cool!

Yuup, got a buddy that's hard core Ist gen(Blazer), every time he sees a new one I gotta get my phone handy cause there's a damn good chance he could suffer a stroke or heat attack
hahaha not sure what they was thinking with the new ones. i mean as a small suv idk if its good or not but for a blazer, bleck!!!!

I found your lift kit, It's a Rancho 4" with the long radius arms.

I already have 2". I could fit 35's now with a little bit of front bumper trim or probably just adjustment. No reason to do 4" lift. If I was going down that road, I would do a kit from Desolate or Solo. These make in to chase trucks pretty easy, and will out travel a Raptor. I'm just not going down that road with this.

Just made it back from a trail run with the Bronco and about 50 others. Bronco was awesome and had no issues.



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After the last adventure, the fuel pump started acting up. So the Bronco has sat for the last month waiting for me to have time to swap it out. I decided to go with the cut a hole in the cargo floor route. Purchased a floor plate from Solo Motorsports and got a pump and filter through work.

When I pulled up the carpet over the weekend, I found this... So I guess I'm not the first...



Got it swapped and put back together. Runs great now.
