Spdrcer34 is going V8!.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spdrcer34 is going V8!....


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
Okay.....after 3 transmissions in as many years I felt it wasn't worth it for me to re-build, or buy another one again..as my 4.0L was just going to break it again....so then I looked at getting a T-5 from a `05+ Mustang, but those don't even have a Speedo Gear set-up, like my first Gen has...

So I turned to craigslist, and scored a 1997 (built 10/96) 5.0L AWD Explorer.

Story goes: His wife ran a red light, was hard the brakes, slowed to about 5mph and T-boned another car doing about 20-30 mph. It had a NICE Grill Guard, but that got caught on the other car, and bent the frame...Motor, and trans are fine.....The radiator has MINOR damage.... but that's it...Airbags didn't even deploy!

Car has an AWESOME Leather Interior, which is going into the Wifes Explorer. (I already have Leather) So are the wheels.

The Motor is going into my White Explorer. Trans/Transfer case is already listed on CL. So is the rear Axle.

COMPLETE...for $450...

I think it was a good score....don't you?

Here's the plan.....swap the motor in AS IS....Install a T-5...and have one of the only 5.0L/T-5 Explorers out there...


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Are you planning on going to 2wd? I don't think the T-5 is going to work with a transfer case.
Might as well just uses that 4r70w, its stronger then a T-5.
and yes that is well worth $450.

How do you plan to run the WC T5 behind the OBD-II 5.0L?
you will have to remove the trans functions from the PCM or it will not run right

$450 is a score! How many miles on it?

My White X is 2WD. Staying that way. But I much prefer to shift on my own..not a big fan of automatics on the street.

130xxx are on it, new tires, just serviced 6 months ago...

Yes, I am having all trans functions taken out of the ECM...


Damn man, that's awesome!

I'm wondering if you'll have to modify the suspension to handle the additional weight.

So... selling any 4.0L parts yet? lol. I want first dibs!


I have seen/seem to remember there was a 5.0L Mustang in 96 (saw one on PInks!), I have always been curious to know if they built a GT-40 5.0L Stang in 96, were they OBD-II and DIS ignition like the Explorer Gt-40?

If so then possibly you could use that pcm and wiring in front of a 5 speed in a 2wd Ex?

Should be cool! I think Cheif is running a manual in his V8 Explorer, but I think he added a distributor? Cant remeber off the top of my head...


I have always been curious to know if they built a GT-40 5.0L Stang in 96, were they OBD-II and DIS ignition like the Explorer Gt-40?

If so then possibly you could use that pcm and wiring in front of a 5 speed in a 2wd Ex?

410, I read on Wikipedia they retired the 5.0L in the Mustangs in 95, and in 96 they introduced the 4.6L. If you can find a good Mustang forum someone is sure to know.

thats what I thought too I assume the 95 stang still had the distibutor, but then I keep hearing about 96 stangs 5.0L here and there

I'm thinking possible engine swaps, or maybe because those were the years they switched over they're classified as a 96 but built with 95 plans. Idk, like my Explorer was built in October of 92 but it's called a 93. Maybe something like that...

Ryan, are you going to keep the interior of the First Generation, or swap it to the Second Generation as well? Meaning dash, wheel, all that good stuff.

I am PLANNING on swapping dashes, and door panels too....

I haven't taken out the 2nd Gen dash yet (maybe today) to see what is involved in swapping the dash.

And YES...I am selling almost all of my V-6 Stuff....PM for details...


How are you planning to do the clutch? The T5 is cable operated. Are you gonna convert the T5 to use a hydraulic slave or rig up the explorer to use a cable operated clutch?

after reading your post yesterday about buying the 97

I got on the Tulsa craigslist to look for wreked 5.0's.

And now I'm gonna test drive a 90' bronco fsb with 351w on Saturday!

Funny how plans seem to change like that huh?

lol. I want the V8's they run in F1, they're like 2.4L V8 aren't they?

That'd be one bad explorer.

Josh, you have PM...

The winningest motor in IRL history is the 4.0L Oldsmobile Aurora V8....16k redline!!! When Olds was killed off by the braindead guys running 'The General'....they re-badged it as a Chevy, and all of the sudden the Chevy guys had something to celebrate again. They did the same thing with DRCE motor....(The Motor John Force ran before he switched to Ford) took off the Olds logo, and slapped on a Bowtie...


Okay guys....little update...

As always, these are clickable thumbnails...click on them and it opens a larger image in a new window.


Looks like you are well on your way. Are you still planning on using a T5 Trans?

Have you been to a salvage yard to consider cutting out or at least copying the 95-01 firewall section? You might even try to cut the two pairs of dash mounting thread sections out. Regards,


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CDW...I have an ENTIRE 1997 Explorer in my driveway...So I'm pretty sure I am going to graft the 2nd Gen HVAC firewall holes onto my `92.


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Excellent, I don't mean to clutter your thread, I'll delete those pictures if you'd like. Look at the four side dash mounts, the later model sections may or may not be worth swapping/cutting. I wanted to keep my 93 firewall etc, but chose the easier route I thought. My decision was complicated by the SOHC V6, I should have bought a V8 truck. Regards,
