How to: - Speaker enclosure fabrication - WorkLog - 2 challenges 3 & 7. Just for Fun, Nothing Fancy!! | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Speaker enclosure fabrication - WorkLog - 2 challenges 3 & 7. Just for Fun, Nothing Fancy!!

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BBQ_HotDogs said:
Yea, terdrocket, that is who I ordered it from, Pacific Coast Parts. Will take 2 weeks to get the cable. My original one is missing now. I need the 15' 13din cable for that EQ, not the short one. It has to run from 1 end of the truck to the other. They can't finish the X without it. I wont pick it up till "everything" is in and working. I just hate to think it will sit that long just waiting on 1 stinking cable.

2 weeks? :banghead: sorry to hear that

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dude i hate you..only because your project looks soo bad ass :) keep up the aweseome work

Since your truck has ben there so long, I am wondering why this cable was not ordered weeks or months ago?

No one noticed it missing I guess. It was there, now it's not. Don't ask me, I jsut pay and pay.

man i consider myself an easy going guy, but dude with all that youve already put up with with this stinkin company i would be seriously pissed if integral parts just magically disapeared that would cause my ride to be in the shop another two weeks. Make them buy another cable, damn dude you bought it in the first place it vanished in their shop its their responsibility

It's getting the part. It is an Alpine part so they only come from 2 place in the US. Since my particular EQ was one of the best that Alpine ever made, it was expensive. So they scaled back to smaller EQ's, thus cutting the cost of them. So they discontinued making the ERA=G320. Which in return, they do not have many parts in stock, especially that cable. Now, see why that particular cable is a "hot" item?

Are they going tp manufacture the cable for you? or is it available at some remote location?

That is something that I don't know. One of those I need it, so get it here things. I called them to see how long it would take, they said 2 weeks, So honestly I would think they may have to make the darn thing. My only other alternative would be to buy another EQ from someone on E-Bay just for that cord, and that is not going to happen.

Have you, not those folks that are hoseing you, talked to the manufacturer of the unit in question?

Yea, I called Pacific Coast Parts myself and talked to them. They just don't have one in stock so there is nothing I can do but wait. That is why I asked here if someone had one.

BBQ_HotDogs said:
Yea, I called Pacific Coast Parts myself and talked to them. They just don't have one in stock so there is nothing I can do but wait. That is why I asked here if someone had one.

I thought that I read that it is an Alpine unit? Why not call Alpine, they are the manufacturer?

Because Pacific Coast Parts is there distributor. They carry all of Alpine's parts for all of there audio. There is another place also, I think it is on the East Coast. If you go to Alpine's web site, and hit parts, that is where you go.

No, I dropped the ball Saturday. We had one heck of a storm blow in, so we all watched TV. After the storm the wife jumps up and says she is going to the mall to get a new dress for an Award's Ceremony in 2 weeks in San Antonio. She didn't get back until around 8PM. There shop closes for the weekend on Saurday at 7. So I did not get to make it. It is really tuff trying to do things with only 1 car. But she does have priority ove the vehicle. It is only fair. I will make a trip over there sometime this week when she get's home early. Will take a bunch of pictures, inside and out. Still have not heard anything on the cable yet, but my guess is it will get here in another week or so. Will call Pacific Coast Parts again tomorrow to check the status.

FYI, I did buy new door panels for it. I guess the other ones where just too far "gone" to do anything with. So we will see.

OK, got some pictures today. Will resize them and download in a couple of hours. Sorry everyone for the delay. The box is not back from the paint shop yet, so it is not in the pics. But the cleaned seats and new carpet are in and not only does it look good, but smells good too. That Zaino's leather treatment I used on the seats really did a job. Can't wait to get it out and do it again. But like I said, give me a couple of hours for the battery in the camera to recharge and I will start the download process.

OK, here are some new pics. If I duplicated some, let me know and I will delete them.

Wiring Pictures.




Fan for exhaust in case of any battery leakage.



Right Rear quarter panel reworked and dyed.


Rear sensor for the ZR3. Good fab work.


Front sensors for ZR3. Located above the license plate area.


New carpet layed in cargo area.



New carpet in the back row.


Rear seat after installed and Zaino'ed. Also console has been redyed.


Extra Battery. Panels have all been redyed. New carpet installed.




Before carpet



New carpet is layed


Console is redyed.


Alpine 540's wired in.



These 2 Alpine 540's will push the door speakers. 2 pairs of Boston Z6's


Well overall I am very pleased with what I see so far. Amp rack is to be back next Wednesday. Billet grille will be installed along with clear corners while everything up front is out. Also will put in Mac Intake.

I would have gotten more pictures but my camera battery pooped out on me. That won't happen again. Will go back as soon as he calls me and tells me that the amp rack is back. He is doing some fine work as far as I am concerned and I am very very pleased with the quality that I see so far.

Absolutely beautiful.

You're getting what you pay for in this one. I love the new carpet, man I could use some. Well on your way to an enjoyable system, that's for sure. ;) More pictures!

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By the way, when my camera konked out, I was just getting ready to take some pictures of the window tints they added. They did the 3 rear window down to limo tint. It really looked good too. Costs for tint = No Charge. My kind of price!!!
