How to: - Speaker enclosure fabrication - WorkLog - 2 challenges 3 & 7. Just for Fun, Nothing Fancy!! | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Speaker enclosure fabrication - WorkLog - 2 challenges 3 & 7. Just for Fun, Nothing Fancy!!

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icu400 said:

are you putting subs in? seems like a lot of power for just doors...

I suggest you look through the previous 6 pages... I'm not even going to bother.

BBQ thats coming out wonderful. You do have a couple pics in there twice. You said you wanted to know.. Pic 3 and one of the pics of the alpine 540's wired in..

Thanks sapgmxr, got it. LOL @ draft. I know. icu400, if you look back, you will see a large amp rack that has 2 holes in it for a pair of Boston 12.5 ProSeries Subs. They will be pushed by 2 Alpine 500 Amps. The amp rack is still at the paint shop being painted along with some other stuff. As stated, it is "suppose" to be back Wednesday.

ZR3 = some type of radar detector?

Why was the front end all taken apart? Just for the sensor?

Other then that looking might good.... only 4 months too =)

Yes, a ZR3 is a blocker of lazer signals. To put the sensors on the front where he chose to, it all had to come off. I didn't want it where it normally would go because I am putting on a X-Spec airdam and moving the factroy fogs. Will also install PIAA Pros.

sorry, but 8 pages was a lot to read when i just started looking at the thread, it was a simple question, sorry if it bothered you

Hey, icu400 you didn't bother me one bit. Any time you want to ask something, and only if I know the answer to it, you will get a reply. That one I knew, LOL. Yes, if you are coming into this thread now, it IS allot to read to get caught up on. Sorry if my reply was a little harsh, but nothing was meant by it I assure you, it may be worded wrong. But I can't wait to get the pictures of the sub enclosure with the 2 Alpine 500's up. It should look pretty sharp. Also something that we can't see yet, on the sides, it looked uneven where the sub/amp rack meet the side moldings, it is suppose to be another piece there that makes it look kind of like a factory mold. More uniform looking if that makes sense. First road trip will be to Austin. Need to take my 9 year old to see the state capital. Beautiful country there.

I have no clue where it came from. But most of the rear cargo area was redone and you can tell the console got redone. I need to post a before and after pic of that console to compare it. I didn't even think of that until just now. Good question though af, I will check into it for you and let you know what I find out. I know they all want to know where I got that Zaino's from. LOL, the smell of leather is very soothing and very distinct. It is better than any air freshner I have ever used. LOL.

For comparison only. The console before anything was done and then after it was dyed.

Before; If I would have known this was coming, I would have gotten a better pic.




Can you tell any difference?

Yea you can tell a big difference in that dye job. Nice choice in Stinger wiring Expert serious = High dollar! Better not have them lose any of those pieces.

BBQ_HotDogs said:
Hey, icu400 you didn't bother me one bit. Any time you want to ask something, and only if I know the answer to it, you will get a reply. That one I knew, LOL. Yes, if you are coming into this thread now, it IS allot to read to get caught up on. Sorry if my reply was a little harsh, but nothing was meant by it I assure you, it may be worded wrong. But I can't wait to get the pictures of the sub enclosure with the 2 Alpine 500's up. It should look pretty sharp. Also something that we can't see yet, on the sides, it looked uneven where the sub/amp rack meet the side moldings, it is suppose to be another piece there that makes it look kind of like a factory mold. More uniform looking if that makes sense. First road trip will be to Austin. Need to take my 9 year old to see the state capital. Beautiful country there.

its all good, i can't wait to see pictures of that too

(tru dat about austin, gotta love this city :p)

The installer came by my house today to pick up some more things to install on my Explorer. He is really treating me right. He will put all of this in for me since he is in those places anyway, like the new carpet he installed. :bounce:
Everything is just rolling alone. Yee Haa

My new Clear Corners


My new Break Pedals


This is not an E-Bay grill either, and it is chrome. Flash messed it up some.


My new Mac Intake with MASS


Instrument Cluster from a 2001 Sport, almost exact same miles as original


And of course, my new Eddie Bauer Logo'ed floor mats. I like these.


have2goski said:
how do they dye the plastic?
Ding Dang, he was here and I totally forgot to aks him. I need to call him shortly anyway. Will try to find out then. Sorry, just so much excitement going on right now, just won a new BBQ grill worth $5,400.oo LOL

A BBQ Grill worth $5,400.00!!!!!!! I think mine cost me $300

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Here is a pic of the BBQ Grill that was just won. LOL.

