Special Thanks at CCR2000! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Special Thanks at CCR2000!


Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
January 20, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
McKinney, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
76 Bronco
I just needed to give a special thanks to a few people at the CCR2000.

1) Sinjin[Pez], Rod and Kelly, met us in Amarillo to caravan upto Ouray. When I blew my front tranny seal, they followed me to a local shop in Tucumcari. After talking with the shop mechanic he estimated 4 hrs at $40/hr. So I should have been on the road by 2:00 PM. I asked them to go ahead, we were covered. They both flatly refused to abandon my family in Tucumcari. " What if it dies leaving town? " Anyway, we cooked hot dogs and at 4:30 PM I climbed under the truck to help put the tranny back in. The mechanic was mumbling about finishing it later.... We left town around 7:30 PM and arrived in Ouray at 5:00 AM. Great People. Thanks for sticking around. ( also explains the tired and dazed looks )

2) Wabbit, He had mentioned awhile back that if I got rid of my tupperware ( plastic molding on the Explorer over the rocker panels ) that he wanted it. Well I toted it up to Ouray and gave him the MOAB scraped tupperware. The next day he brought me a front Air deflector. Wow, it's was in great shape and he said its yours if you want. Also the certificates ( Perry, Terry,Patrick )for Black Bear pass were awesome. Again, great people.

3) Second hand I heard the story about the stocker group assisting a stranded Explorer with 2 flat tires. Dennis gave them his spare tire, it was a Firestone, but its' the thought that counts. The guy even said you could sell it. Dennis just said, " Yea, but you need it" Once again great people.

It makes me very proud to be a part of this group. I'm happy to be an Explorer owner! Were there any other acts of random kindness?

[Edited by Gofast on 09-07-2000 at 09:08 AM]

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Hey no problem at all, I know you wouldnt of left us out there either. We turned a bad situation into a good one, everyone kept a positive attitude, and made the best of it. Actually it was pretty fun, quite an adventure. :)

I would also like to say thanks:
Gearld: Thanks for putting this event together, we had a blast.
To the Spotters(tdavis, Gerald, Packrat, Perry): This was my first major run, and wasnt experienced at this type of terrain, thanks for giving me the confidence to overcome those obstacles.
Perry, Terri, and Patrick: Thanks for the Black Bear Pass Certificates, what a great idea! I plan on framing it, and proudly hang it in my office.
And to everyone else that attended, thanks for welcoming Kelly and I into the group, we had a blast, and will diffenetly be back next year.


You are welcome for the certificates.
Thanks to Cwistine for writing all the names in on the Certificates. My handwriting isn't near as good.
I was wondering what I could do to make Black Bear a trail to remember, so I thought of the certificate. Black Bear is probably the most known in that area even though when we went looking for a tee shirt we couldn't find one. We finally went to Ouray and found the one like you got and had the passes marked. Patrick got the shirt and he plans on wearing it to school.
I'm just glad we got to meet so many neat people that have the same kind of interests as we do. I would really like to see everyone come back next year. One thing we didn't do is a group photo which I wished we had done.

[Edited by Perry on 09-06-2000 at 05:10 PM]

Stranded Explorer

The couple with the Explorer with 2 flat tires (that the stock group came upon and helped) was so thankful, that they took our picture! He wanted a group picture of us - I imagine he'll be telling this story for quite some time.

I'm the guy with the two flat tires. THANKS

I wish to thank all the kind people who stopped and insisted on helping my wife and me. As she sometimes points out, I'm generally the type who is (too) self-reliant, and until the 2nd tire going flat was pointed out to me, that was my plan.

I wish to especially thank Dennis who gave me his stock spare tire and wheel. He said that he preferred giving it to someone in need than selling it, and that my joining this message board would be his payment.

I now am the proud owner of 6 recalled tires; I got the recall notice the next week. I having been looking around to see what I should replace them with.

I also needed a jump the next morning, so I got help twice that weekend, and gave a jump to someone once.

Yes, I was kind of freaked out by all these people stopping to help. I tend to not like crowds (thinking that any year that I don't have to go to the mall as successful), and suddenly here I was in the middle of a crowd (even though it was composed of extremely nice and helpful people), after having been mostly alone with my wife the whole weekend. We had just gotten off Stony Pass, and were now on the regular gravel road to Silverton.

But even though I was freaked, it didn't mean that I wasn't thankful for all your kind help. You guys plugged the non-destroyed tire, which we made the spare, and it still is holding air. The destroyed tire we bungeed to our roof rack, and used our original spare to replace it. And we used Dennis's tire to replace the plugged tire. There were no further incidents relating to tires on our way home.

A day or so later, though, I saw a big hunk of metal sticking out of a third tire. I figured it came from the same incident that got the other two, and freaked out and went to my trusted tire dealer. It was only a bent nail that hadn't penetrated. The dealer is out of just about everything that would fit my vehicle, so I'm waiting for stuff to come in before I replace things.

Thanks again


I imagine our rather large group was somewhat, ah, unnerving. Can't say I blame you for being cautious. I agree with you about the mall, too.

One thing about 4 wheeling in a group is, if there is a problem, it is much easier to fix with a group of people and parts. Problems become just inconveniences, not serious incidents. Seeing your fully packed Explorer, we figured you two would be there for quite a while, changing the tire.
Glad to hear you made it home safe.

I suppose the group told you, but that was only half of our group there. There was 10 more Explorer's doing Poughkeepsie, so that would have really made you nervous with 18 stopping to help. LOL :)
I was on the other group, but we heard about it back at camp that night. It is just nice to know there is still good people out there that are welling to help just because that is there way. Hope you have better wheeling days, and next time you never know, you might see another group of Explorer's on the trail. We all would like to get together again next year. Just keep watching the board.

Karl - welcome aboard, I think you'll find this site a great resource for all your explorer questions. Everyone on the list is friendly (well except when someone says Hellas are better then PIAA's LOL - inside joke). Now, off to answer your other questions! :)

Hi Karl,
I am glad to here you made it home safe and sound.
The rest of my trip went real good.
Welcome to the board.
Next time we meet hopefuly it won't be because of a breakdown.

Welcome Karl


I wasn't one of the one's who assisted you in CO ( we were off on the other Explorer group run thru Poughkipsie Gulch etc), but I wanted to welcome you to the board anyway! As the others have already pointed out. 1. The Board has a lot of good folks, 2. Explorer drivers usually don't have attitudes that some of the more clickish vehicle owners seem to, and finally in the spirit of good off highway adventuring, we always try to asist someone having trouble.

Traveling in a group (albeit too large a group can be a bit unnerving for me, too) has the distinct advantage of "safety in numbers".

Again, welcome!
