Spring touch up painting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spring touch up painting

Well spring has arrived, and in the month I have between graduation and "the real world" I will be working on my vehicle, as per usual. The last two afternoons I've spent doing touch up work and painting, etc.

First off, my bumpers, painted black 4 years ago, needed a bit of touching up. You can see from the below pictures that they had a few scratches and dings. I was going to just try to touch up those areas, but it looked too dark and shiny, so I had to mask off both bumpers and re-spray both entirely.




The paints. Bulldog prep spray and then SEM bumper coat with flex agent.


The finished product (it kinda looks like crap because they both got coated overnight with construction dust, but you get the idea.)



I also needed to touch up the fading trim next to the windows. Sprayed this 4 years ago, and it was just finally starting to bleach again. Please ignore the half naked man in the window.




Prepped by cleaning with alcohol and water, than masked it off


The paint:


Sprayed and finished:




Also, I painted some of my interior fans black:



All of these things were very easy to do if you're mildly competent and have minimal trouble painting a room - it's very simple stuff. Figured I'd share for anyone who is considering doing this. Any questions, feel free to ask.

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Where did you buy the bulldog and bumper coater paint?

where did you do this? your garage out in the street what?

Good job i did my vents, doors and center console. I need to redo the vents to did't turn out as good as i hoped. If you wanted to use a lil black shoe polish to make the rubber trim look new to.

Do you have to do anything special to paint the vents?

much much nicer !

where did you get the color matched ford emblem? i can't find them anywhere

Is it just me or does it look like he has a tube top on?:D lol jk man

yeah, but I wasnt going to say any thing...:rolleyes:

I didn't have a shirt on, it's the reflections! I swear! :D

where did you do this? your garage out in the street what?

Out in the street, I don't fit in my garage.

Do you have to do anything special to paint the vents?

I used the same stuff for the bumpers - prep with bulldog, paint with SEM.

where did you get the color matched ford emblem? i can't find them anywhere

I made it myself following this thread:


The front came out much better than the rear one:


Thanks for the compliments everyone. :D

Looks great....

I need to make rear pillars black....This is might make me get out this week and do that.

lol if you say so. how did u do ur center console. Recover or pint it?

Bought the cover from here:


Site sponsor, too! :D

Is it just me or does it look like he has a tube top on?:D lol jk man

Great job on the repainting, J.

As for everyone else, I think you're confusing a tube top with a two piece. Whatever the case, EF does not discriminate.


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You sonuvabitch. :D

thats a good look 4 you man lol

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that has gotta be the most random 2 year old thread bump i have ever seen
