Stupid Headlights Making Me Mad | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stupid Headlights Making Me Mad

Ok......I've been using Hiper Industries Xenon headlights for a year now. I installed some new ones a few days ago since one burned out. Well shortly after (2 days) my high bead indicator light came on, headlights wont work. It's the same in high beam/low beam mode. I checked fuse, put stock bulbs back in , still nothing. My drive lights and fogs work fine. Any ideas?

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The steering column mounted switch is likely to have failed on you. This is common. The high beam to low beam and turn signal switch is also the power realy housing for the headlights. They have been using this design since the 80's. It is common for this switch to fail, I am on my third and mine is now going out!!! I spent $90 for a new onefrom Ford last year and it just started acting up...I will be replacing with either a cheapo AutoZone unit or a junk yard unit (older ones seem to last longer). Also you may try taking off the cosmetics and having a looksee at your relay/switch, it may be loose or the wires are just shorting out.

Have you also checked the wiring harness under the hood where the light bulbs go? Just want to make sure those bubls you are using arent getting too hot or something.....

Ok.....I feel a little stupid but learned something at the same time. Some of you might have had this happen: all those little teeth that snap the bulb into the socket have broken off and the bulbs basicly just push together now. I guess I didn't have the bulb in as tight as I thought because when I pushed it in......there was light :)

could happen to any of us.

except matt adams.



LOL hehehe

Ya know, I contemplated deleting this thread to save myself the embarassment. I figured I'd let the laughs be at my expense if it'd help someone in the future. Who would have figured the high beam indicator would act as a "problem" indicator by staying on like that.

Originally posted by alphasylum
Ok.....I feel a little stupid but learned something at the same time. Some of you might have had this happen: all those little teeth that snap the bulb into the socket have broken off and the bulbs basicly just push together now. I guess I didn't have the bulb in as tight as I thought because when I pushed it in......there was light :)

Its because your a Girl....

LOL JK (as he ducks from swinging hands)
... im just jealous cause i like ur X :p

Originally posted by xlt-sport
could happen to any of us.

except matt adams.



LOL thats right dont forget it either :)

I did the same thing. 'cept I figured it out before I posted.

I think that you are very brave to post this and I am sure it will help someone. Well done for sorting it out. The first rule in diagnostics, what did I just do!!. Basic fault finding is an art form many skilled techs seem to have forgotten.:bounce:

Well, if your ever in NYC... Give me a ring... lol
Want me to send you a new piece of paper with my name on it? :D

I am going to ask even though I will probably feel stupid later too. (no offense). My lights work fine when the low beams are on. When I turn on the Highbeams, my left headlight turns off. If I simply flash my high beams (by pulling the lever towards me) the head light stays on but the highbeam still doesnt work. My right headlight works fine. Could it be that my head lights are just not plugged in all the way or is it something more serious? Thanks.

Could be but probably it's just the bulb. Thats the place to start- take it out and look for broken filament.

Well this is where I feel better and worse at the same time. It wasn't that simple. I was leaving work and they did the same thing all over again. So I jiggled the wiring behind the bulb that was loose (or so I thought) and the headlights came on BUT that light was fully bright the other glowed real low and orangish. Gunna go out and throw the stockers back in and move the wires around a little so see if something is being pulled to tight and what not.

geez....could this be the problem?????????????
@#$@#$@ hard is it to wire in a new socket?


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OOO so what they say about these xenon bulbs burning up the harness is true...

i wonder if i should ditch my PIAA now while i still have a chance...

what the hell did you do to your lights?????? my god... be thankful you didnt ignite a fire

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Well liquid....I didnt actually do anything.
The bulbs did. Watch it ....Im not exactly enjoying this.

Chuck....I think it all depends on the brand. My first set of hiper industry bulbs were fine, these hiper industries came in a different style box. Maybe a defective set I dunno. But I tell you, after getting a new harness I will be very careful at what bulbs i put in there.
