Subwoofer Enclosure for '02 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Subwoofer Enclosure for '02 Explorer


New Member
January 26, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLS
Anybody have a clue when the QLogic or JL Stealthbox are going to be available for the '02 Explorers? They moved the netted cargo cubbyhole to the driver's side on the 02's.

this is just a thought, but is there still a factory system which places a sub in that position? if there is you could just use whatever box that system uses. or if you need to you could reinforce that box or use it as a template for a box of stronger material. i would look check that out, just talk to the dealer.

as for when those come out, i don't know. my car audio system building computer at work simply says unavailable for all 2002 models as of right now. it shouldn't be too long though, those box companies are usually on top of all the new models.
