Syncmyride website / what r they doing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Syncmyride website / what r they doing?


Active Member
July 9, 2011
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Los Angeles
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
I noticed that this website is "down" a lot. In fact, it is still down.

Not sure why. What changes are they planning/doing that are noticeable and of benefit to the enduser (me)?

Anyone know?

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I noticed that this website is "down" a lot. In fact, it is still down.

Not sure why. What changes are they planning/doing that are noticeable and of benefit to the enduser (me)?

Anyone know?
I was able to log on to Syncmyride just now (10pm). There is a note saying it will be unavailable from 12AM to 9AM Aug. 25th. Can't confirm that is down a lot since I rarely log into it.:dunno:

I feel Jipped by Ford not including the Explorer when it comes to the AppLink, its BS! This would have been an awesome feature to add to the awesome features it already comes with. I'm just glad I can BT stream Pandora to begin with!!

i feel jipped by ford not including the explorer when it comes to the applink, its bs! This would have been an awesome feature to add to the awesome features it already comes with. I'm just glad i can bt stream pandora to begin with!!


I noticed that this website is "down" a lot. In fact, it is still down.

Not sure why. What changes are they planning/doing that are noticeable and of benefit to the enduser (me)?

Anyone know?

We were implementing the Operator Assist feature within SYNC Services. It's now out of the beta-testing phase.

I feel Jipped by Ford not including the Explorer when it comes to the AppLink, its BS! This would have been an awesome feature to add to the awesome features it already comes with. I'm just glad I can BT stream Pandora to begin with!!

The reason for this, is so that our team of engineers can devote their time to MFT and completing the necessary enhancements. Once this is completed, they will work on getting other features added to the system.


We were implementing the Operator Assist feature within SYNC Services. It's now out of the beta-testing phase.

The reason for this, is so that our team of engineers can devote their time to MFT and completing the necessary enhancements. Once this is completed, they will work on getting other features added to the system.


Rebecca, can you confirm that eventually Ford plans to add the 2011 and 2012 Explorer to the list of vehicles which will get Pandora? I know that plans can change and I'm not asking for a comittment, but I just would like to know if Ford is even planning on it as of right now.

We were implementing the Operator Assist feature within SYNC Services. It's now out of the beta-testing phase.

The reason for this, is so that our team of engineers can devote their time to MFT and completing the necessary enhancements. Once this is completed, they will work on getting other features added to the system.


Thank you so much Rebecca, I didn't think anyone from the Ford side of the house would have commented. That brings a smile to my face already, so from what you're saying is that there is another update to come soon to correct some of the current glitches to the MFT/Sync? Thats really good to know, I feel confident that this system will be perfected by Ford!!

It is just real good to know that it hasn't been abandoned.

Thank you so much Rebecca, I didn't think anyone from the Ford side of the house would have commented. That brings a smile to my face already, so from what you're saying is that there is another update to come soon to correct some of the current glitches to the MFT/Sync? Thats really good to know, I feel confident that this system will be perfected by Ford!!

It is just real good to know that it hasn't been abandoned.

We are always working on the system, just like any other company in the software business. We haven't abandoned anything, especially our customers :D

Rebecca, can you confirm that eventually Ford plans to add the 2011 and 2012 Explorer to the list of vehicles which will get Pandora? I know that plans can change and I'm not asking for a comittment, but I just would like to know if Ford is even planning on it as of right now.

As you know, I can't speculate but we do plan on working on it in the future.


The reason for this, is so that our team of engineers can devote their time to MFT and completing the necessary enhancements. Once this is completed, they will work on getting other features added to the system.


It should have been there since day one. My MFT works quite well, so I have little to complain about...but some things missing are truly "no brainers". One huge mistake was not having the ability to pair two phones at the same time. I had headsets that could do that well over 5 years ago.

By the time applink arrives (if ever, and if backward compatible), my lease will be up and MFT style systems will be standard on cars in our price range.

Site down again?.? This is becoming very common.

I feel Jipped by Ford not including the Explorer when it comes to the AppLink, its BS! This would have been an awesome feature to add to the awesome features it already comes with. I'm just glad I can BT stream Pandora to begin with!!

I think that they should offer it for all vehicles, not just a select few. If Ford thinks only the young people who buy the Focus, Fiesta, etc are the only ones who embrace and use technology, they are missing the boat. I may be 39, but I'm not dead.
Just about everyone has a smartphone these days Ford, so applink should be standard issue IMHO. Crossing my fingers you get on board and make this happen for us Explorer drivers too. That is all.

As you know, I can't speculate but we do plan on working on it in the future.

I put this quote through the online "Corporate Customer Placation Translator" and it returned the following translation:


I noticed that this website is "down" a lot. In fact, it is still down.

Not sure why. What changes are they planning/doing that are noticeable and of benefit to the enduser (me)?

Anyone know?

Feeding the hamsters?

Anyone know if the site is down tonight, I keep trying to log in and it says my username/password are not correct then get an error message when I click on the forgot password link... dang it!! I just want to see my first vehicle health report!! 8-P

Got it to work! :cool:

Glad you were able to log in, bluex232! We were probably doing some behind the scenes maintenance last night. Hope everything looks good on your Vehicle Health Report! :)


Glad you were able to log in, bluex232! We were probably doing some behind the scenes maintenance last night. Hope everything looks good on your Vehicle Health Report! :)


Thanks! Guess that is one of the downfalls to being up all night long!! I should be used to it by now, lol. 8-P

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It should have been there since day one.

By the time applink arrives (if ever, and if backward compatible), my lease will be up and MFT style systems will be standard on cars in our price range.

Agreed! A major fail for my $45k explorer. My friends $18k focus has apps...Ford screwed this up big time.
