Texan comes home. Farewell, Colorado | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Texan comes home. Farewell, Colorado


Elite Idiot Stocker
August 8, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
DFW, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 Taco TRD/OR
Darkman regrets to inform you that I am no longer part of the "Colorado Contingent". The tech sector crash has forced me back to Texas. I'm now in the Austin area (La Grange to be exact). My wife, Tammy, will follow in a few weeks.

Obviously, our current situation is not conducive to spending resources on going wheeling. In fact, with Austin an hour from our front door, gas mileage and reliability have jumped to the top of the priority list. I am opening the table to a discussion on the merits of trading my beleaguered '94 on something more commuter-minded. Parting with BamBam would be like putting my first born up for adoption, but desperate times etc., etc.

My mind is torn over the fact that my truck has ruined rocker panels, horrible paint scrapes, and 162,000 hard fought miles. The alignment is most easily described by it's lack of it. And, to tie it all up with a pretty bow, it gets 13 miles to the gallon with a tail wind. So with all these great selling points, only an Explorer zealot like myself would even think of BUYING the thing. Still, I must find something that I can afford to drive 100 miles a day, five days a week. If it weren't for the fact that I still owe on it, I'd just park the dang thing and buy a third vehicle (Stupid refinance deals). :( God help me!

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certainly sorry to hear we lost you to the texas group, best of luck.

Trint, very sorry to hear it! I wish you guys all the best in your new location. It was fun doing some of those pre-runs with you for CCR2001, it really would be a shame for you to lose BamBam! Oh well, as you said you've gotta do... I know of quite a few people going through tough times, hopefully things are going to pick up with the economy soon!

On an unrelated topic, did Tammy ever get to run with the Olympic torch? If so, do you have any pics you can share?

Best of luck to you! :)

That sucks your Not keep ing the X. We need some more Texans... The old ones are dropping off left and right...

I just drove through Austin on my way back to Dallas today. Welcome back.

Sorry to hear that you're leaving CO Trint, and even more sorry that you're losin BamBam....

But hey, I'll be joining you in August, maybe you and me and Alec could get together or somethin...

I am doing to transistion back also. I am leaving the Marine Corps after 8 years, my wife is heading back in May, I will follow in July/August. I have a job offer in the Longview area. Looking at living in Gilmer...fun, fun, fun.

If you end up in Gilmer you will be right on top of an offroad park set aside for us 4x4ers. Small little town compared to the 2 you are used to.

ok sure we dont hear from you since ccr2001 then we finally hear from you and you are not even here anymore, thats ok we know when we are loved. Well best of luck to ya and good luck with the vehicle deal too! If you get a chance to come back to CO for anything anytime I can always put you up in the BW here in Trindad!
