The Turdle gets a 4406! | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Turdle gets a 4406!

Well I'm doing an all nighter-
I have my hole started for the shifter, it's coming along nicely--

one snafu--I am missing a linkage bolt-:mad:

However-I should have the shifter handle bolted up soon, and get strted mocking up the booty.

Who's up tonite?

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Well I'm doing an all nighter-
I have my hole started for the shifter, it's coming along nicely--

one snafu--I am missing a linkage bolt-:mad:

However-I should have the shifter handle bolted up soon, and get strted mocking up the booty.

Who's up tonite?

persent and acounted for sir:salute: ok so I had a few beers!

Yeah-I'm drinking some mcihelob ultra flavored beer thingy's
The liquor store here was sold, they are having a clearance. I'm kind of friendly with the guy-got a bottle of pyrate rum, and the 6 pack for 10 bux--
I aren't complaining-

I did have a ***** of a time getting clearance for the linkage assembly. I couldn't get anything on the floorpan from underneath, so I had to drill holes, thread in a screw, and use a nail puller as a redneck dent puller apparatus and pull the floor inward.
Am I the first to do this with no body lift? I don't think Evan has one--He said something about having to do this same thing. A B/L will solve this issue I am sure.

I'm just going to squirt some silicone sealer in the holes and call it good-ok?

Yeah-I'm drinking some mcihelob ultra flavored beer thingy's
The liquor store here was sold, they are having a clearance. I'm kind of friendly with the guy-got a bottle of pyrate rum, and the 6 pack for 10 bux--
I aren't complaining-

I did have a ***** of a time getting clearance for the linkage assembly. I couldn't get anything on the floorpan from underneath, so I had to drill holes, thread in a screw, and use a nail puller as a redneck dent puller apparatus and pull the floor inward.
Am I the first to do this with no body lift? I don't think Evan has one--He said something about having to do this same thing. A B/L will solve this issue I am sure.

I'm just going to squirt some silicone sealer in the holes and call it good-ok?
$10 are you saving for a purse?


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Well I cut and bent and pounded on the stupid metal plate--
I cut the white rubber off it-the plan was to bend it into shape, which I did fine,
then use it to beef up the floor, put white rubber back on with leather boot and plastic trim.
It all would fit--but there is just no way to get it under the carpet!!!

So, I was able to at least wedge the white rubber underneath carpet-my leather boot will be attached from the outside.The screws should go through the boot ring, and outer edge of white rubber boot which is under carpet. This will make a water tight-soundproof seal I hope.
I'll need to make a trim ring for it, for appearance. There are staples showing where the leather is attached

Pictures will come later. My grandson is asleep in the computer room.

All I have left to do is drill holes and screw in the boot, fill transfer case, put on the rear drive shaft, and



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At this time the boot is the best it will be for a minute-
Drive shaft is in.
Console is in.

I drained the yuck from the transfer case-
My filler upper is cracked-going to take my wifes car to the gettin' place as soon as they open , if I can stay awake.


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Wow, thats dedication! My shifter clearance was tight, but fit without pounding the metal, it just rubbed. I ended up installing the shifter, then using a pry bar to push the sheet metal away.

I did, however use the sheet metal screws and pry bar method to make room just behind the seat for the top of the T case. I also used silicone to seal up the holes. :D

It's Done!!

I have 2WD! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I went thru the gears while it is up on the stands--all is well I believe.
Gonna clean up now and go road test--back in a minute.


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I can't wait for the results...

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