This Cant Be True??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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This Cant Be True???


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
I was at the dealership today looking around and came upon a 2007 Ford Explorer Ironman Edition. This thing was totally decked out, two-tone leather seats, 4wd, V8, tow package, special Ironman accessories, sirius, mp3, pretty much everything. The whole point of this post is that when I looked at the sticker price I was shocked to see that they only wanted $31,000 for it. There is no way that can be right, is there?

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Actually, I've seen one drivng around here on my way to work in the mornings:rolleyes:

*Only* $31,000? The starting MSRP on the Explorer is $25,995. The Ironman package is essentially an Explorer XLT with a bunch of accessories. The 18" wheels are about the only thing that should add much to the base price. The rest must be for the value of having the only current production vehicle to have AMBER fog lights...:rolleyes:

I saw that post by Rick a while and Ive seen a few running around town, I was just surprised by the low price on it. Yes I do say *ONLY* $31,000 because from what I saw in this Explorer it is a fully loaded XLT with a couple extra appearance add-ons. I know that I have never seen an Explorer with these options for this little of a price. I know my Explorer is a base XLT without half the options of this one and it was $30,000.
