This Is Def What I Didnt Want To See..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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This Is Def What I Didnt Want To See.....


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
I should have never sold her, I hoped someone would have taken care of her and loved her like I did. But Instead less than a year later shes back for sale with a freakin blown engine and a two flat tires. She ran strong for 12 years and all of a sudden after less than about 7 months some ****** blew her engine and did god knows what to her suspension/tires. I should have never let her go. I feel violated :(

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That is heart breaking. Always liked your X.

You should have never sold it especially to someone who wasn't on the forum.

bad officer.. go taser yourself.

It just needs the motor "swoped out". Go buy it back. :p:

Hell he is selling it in 3 times worse condition than he bought it and for twice the price I sold it to him. I dont think Ill be buying it back anytime soon.

I know someone that does one day motor swaps!!! ;)

Jeff - :navajo:

I know someone that does one day motor swaps!!! ;)
That wont help Tex, go read the ad... this motor needs "swoped". Dont know if you can pull that off or not. :D :p:

This is why my X will go to the grave with me.

This is why my X will go to the grave with me.

That is what I always said, but I got a new vehicle and dropped the insurance on the explorer. But I still didnt sell her cause I always said I would get it back on her. Then I just couldnt stand seeing her just sit there in the parking lot not getting driven.

Bummer to see that. Remind me of when I saw my old one after I sold it.
Yea, i think you are the forum winner on "next owner fubar".

That is what I always said, but I got a new vehicle and dropped the insurance on the explorer. But I still didnt sell her cause I always said I would get it back on her. Then I just couldnt stand seeing her just sit there in the parking lot not getting driven.

Sucks man, I really feel for you. I tend to get too emotionally attached to inanimate objects, and if that happened to be I'd have some serious guilt.

sorry to hear bout this

part of me wants to know where mine is (ours were almost identical twins) since i traded it in back in november...but seeing this maybe i dont want to know :(

That sucks :(

That wont help Tex, go read the ad... this motor needs "swoped". Dont know if you can pull that off or not. :D :p:

"Relax! my dad's a TV repairman, he's got an awesome set of tools!"


Jeff - :p:
