This one is for u GLACIER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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This one is for u GLACIER


May 26, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 AWD
This question is actually for anyone who might know....

Heres the deal I just got my beast back and every thing is operating well, but heres the catch..
I have no 3rd gear...
My transmission is driving good( no sliping) but when 3rd gear comes around it doesnt shift... What it does is it keeps rising in RPMS, and once i let off the gas it shifts into 4th gear no problem but no 3rd....

Now heres the ? Is there any sensors or relays that are actuated in 3rd gear from the GM that are now not being actuated ? and if so is there any long term damage that could take place? And one more, what could be wrong with the 3rd gear b/c it doesnt seem to be anything wrong with the transmission in whole, just 3rd gear.


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Ouch. Suspect the intermediate band... likely broken. But here's the laundry list for a no 2-3 shift the the 5R55E:

Shift solenoids A and B are on in this gear, one of them could be bad or out of bore. EPC could be weak.... but I doubt this. Shift solenoids C and D are off, unless one of them was stuck on, again I doubt this. The DTR could be misaligned or bad (again a low probability) A bad input from the TP sensor or your TSS sensor *could* cause something like this (I again doubt).

Your seperator plate could have a blown out gasket which leaks all the apply pressure to the intermediate band apply servo (possible) your 2-3 shift valve in the valve body could be stuck (possible). Your band could have come loose... and is not being applied. (has happened believe it or not) Your servo seal could be damaged and leaking excessively. (low probability).

Good luck. I'd maybe start by checking the integrity of the adjusting bolt and lock nut for the band... it is the 2nd back from the front. If that is tight, I'd drop then pan and see if I have a broken band. I'm guessing you do, but there ARE other possibles.

if the band was broken pieces of this broken band would then be in the pan right? what would the fragments of this band look like...

could it be the automatic shift clutch for 3rd gear... does this require a tranny pull?

This is really wierd my tranny isnt slipping and no noise coming from it, just no 3rd gear. This makes me think it is something simple..

you should be getting paid for this, Tranny Guru...

Generally what breaks on a band is the anchor... which is a piece of formed steel about 3/16" thick and the piece that breaks is about 1-1/2 inches square.

There are various clutches in an automatic, and in varying combinations produce different gears. There is no 1st gear clutch, 2nd gear clutch etc. You need to look at a chart to see what is applied where to produce any certain gear. By a process of elimination you can often find a single component used in the problem gear. In this case that is the intermediate band.

So, check that bolt and locknut for integrity, and if it's ok then drop the pan. Let us know what you find out.

BTW guys, is that an AWD(4R70W) or not? If that's a 4R70W, the intermediate band is 2nd gear. 4th is a band, and 3rd and 4th use the same direct drum. What trans...?

Okay, I see from other threads that the trans is not AWD. Please correct your avatar, AWD means V8 and 4R70W. The V6 was not available with AWD, what you have is an automatic 4WD, the front wheels become locked. AWD means not locked ever.

Good luck with the problem, Chris is good.

Well actually in the 97 like mine, the 4wd system is the control trac... Now if you are familar with the control trac you would know it acts much like a AWD system up to 20 mph then is deactivated and then when ever slippage is sensored it is re-activated... therefor, the GM THE TCCC and all the components are practically the same... Now as far as the tranny it is a 5R55E the integrity is torqued down and the tran seal seems in place.. tommorow morning I'm going to drop the pan and see what's inside, if anything.. its about time for a tranny flush any way, so I'll do that through the tranny cooler also..

Ill take some pics of fluid and any metal shards in the pan, and post them somehow...


p.s. i cant remember, do i have to pull the front drive shaft out to realign the pan??

Be cool, DON is a great guy and knows his stuff. His Q was an honest one, not in any way doubting YOU... but .. well.. me. He ultimately saw you had the 5R55 and not the 4R70W, and his suggestion thereafter was fairly made.

I will be interested to hear what you find, if anything.

Just curious, what happens if you shift into manual 2nd? If manual 2nd is a no go, maybe that rules out SS4(D) since it is ON in M2 but OFF in 3rd?
