Tikis by RangerX | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tikis by RangerX


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
You might have noticed my tikis popping up in the occasional thread about wheeling or modifications. Here's a thread for my newest tikis. I'll ad new ones as I carve them. :D

Here's three that I finished up this week. I started the right-side tiki on Tuesday. The other two were started the week before. The tall one in the middle is 5' 4", and I'll probably ask $500 for it. :eek:


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here's a side view of two, showing the depth of cut.


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that is trulling amazing...great work

The middle one is probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen. :cool: Next time I am down that way I'm going to have to pick one up. :cool:

Three more from the past month.

Yes, the middle one is female. :cool:


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I've been carving tikis for about five? years now, but only relatively recently tried carving full body ones like pictured above.

Usually they are just heads, like these.


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whats the price if I wanted you to come to my house and tiki up a tree that should get cut down?

Always awsome work, as I'm remodeling my backyard I'm going to try to work a couple of these into the mix.

That first one in the middle is *****in! :D

Looking good... I'm gonna get a few more for Christmas gifts...

Have you thought of a way to route/hollow out the insides to make them less weight for shipping? Not that it would work with the new style, but maybe for the the head ones???

"Edit - didn't see the above post ;) "



Man I am so excited, I went to the Littleton BBQ this last Sunday and met up with Perry finally, Perry delivered my Tiki that Bill made me and hauled to Moab.

Bill the Tiki ROCKS! I now have a match set on my back porch, I have plans to make plant holders out of those suckers.

I will take a pic later and post it, supper happy with this Tiki, thanks so Much Perry for hauling it and Bill for making me another sweet ass Tiki!

Bill why dint you tell us a bit about the Tiki, what it is, history and what not or give us a link :)

eh, not alot of info on my website yet. :eek: I'm having trouble writing text for it. I'm not a 'words' guy. :rolleyes:

Charlie, that one in post 6 is $100. I love the aged look, I try to do that when I have some appropriate trunk. And yes, it's palm, Mexican Fan. Seems to be similar to what you Florida guys call cabbage palms. That tiki is stained, but not sealed. I do seal some, usually by customer request, with spar urethane.

Colin, I don't need graphics, I need money! :D

Dannyboy, you'd have to spring for airfare or gas, for starters! If you're serious, send me a pic of your tree.

Jamie, a tiki is what you want it to be. I don't try to carve authentic stuff or specific gods, I just carve what I think a tiki should look like. :)

Spar urethane then since mine sit outside??

I still need to return my borrowed one :( Worked great for the Luau party! :thumbsup: Thanks a million Bill. It was a big hit. I'll post some pics, when I get them. Tiki torchs in the background really make it :D

I too have thought about the LED's but I just cant bring myself to drill into it, though it would be so sweet. they could come with a "tiki sounds" CD and a smoke machine too....then the back deck would be sick!!

Bill should make them with LED kits and ALSO BILL do your other idea, they will sell! Hell I'd run one!

My new one:


My older one:


RangerX said:
eh, not alot of info on my website yet. :eek: I'm having trouble writing text for it. I'm not a 'words' guy. :rolleyes:
I thought what you had on the old site was good and interesting.

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Yeah, but...the guy would built that old site lifted all that text from someone else's tiki site. :rolleyes: :nono: :roll: :( :thumbdwn:
