Tikis by RangerX | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tikis by RangerX

Bill, I've been meaning to ask you, have you ever thought of making ones the would have fire (candles/fire Gel) or water (fountain) set up?

Just thinking out loud...we had a tiki fountain at work that did well for us, but the manufacture discoed it:(

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I have not Steve. What would the one with fire be like? Sounds cool...

Here's a few pics of some of the Tikis I've carved here on Kauai.
All these here are carved from driftwoods I found on the beach.


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A few more...


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After I carved that Sugar Skull for Maniak (see previous page) I had a few other people want one, so here I am with the latest two, taken last week.
I carved them out of coconut palm, then stained and painted them.


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Lookin good Bill:thumbsup:

I have not Steve. What would the one with fire be like? Sounds cool...

There are a couple products on the market that make it so you can have fire anywhere, and safe even in a closed space like indoors. One is a fire gel that burns clean. Another are these fuel cubes (not for indoor use). Both need a metal container or something that could handle some heat. The fire cubes I have used and provide a pretty good size flame (6-8"). I'm told the fire gel will too. Being that your tiki's are made from wood, I'm not really sure how well they wood handle a hot metal pot in them but something to think about. You could however try the standard tiki oil and wick. Regardless...fire would be awesome with them.

Bill, are you still in Kauai? We have a palm tree we thought maybe you would want.

Yep, still here, and I ain't never comin' back! :cool: But thanks for thinking of me!

BTW, I'll have to update with some more recent pics, I see it's been a while...

Here's my latest and greatest!


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Cool :thumbsup:

That's a beautiful piece Bill.

How much does it cost to ship these big ones?

Rick, I would guess 150 for this one to AZ, but this one is lighter than normal since it's just half the log. You can't tell in the pic, but the back is flat.
This one is staying on island. It's a trade to my tattooist for my new sleeve. :D


How are sales? If you need help moving inventory, I could put some up on my website for work.

Thanks Steve, but I never have any inventory. Most of what I carve now is commissions, so it's sold before I start. :D
When I do carve an available piece, it sells in a day or two.
If I could just increase my output!

Lookin good, Bill (the tikis :p: )!!
