Tikis by RangerX | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tikis by RangerX

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..We have an EF delivery system when you are ready to order from RangerX..:D

Unbelievable Work!!

Thanks you guys!
Here's a couple recent works. 1. A 6.5' stump I was commissioned to carve. 2. Thought I'd try a Mexican sugar skull! It's slighly larger than life size. :D


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Spent the weekend carving up this guy for someone on the forum. :D
It's about 3.5' tall.


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Happy Tiki:p::thumbsup:

...:shifty_ey ..Spycam pics...:p:




Finished these two yesterday, deliver them today! They're for the owner of Bulky Boy clothing.
Just in time, too. Thursday I drop my truck off to be put on the boat, and Friday I get on the plane to move to Kauai! :cool:


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Here's a nice pair I did last month for a forum member in Texas.


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Looks top notch as always Bill. Bummer to see ya go but best of luck to ya on the lslands.

X2 mate, hope the move goes swell and aloha.

Here's a nice pair I did last month for a forum member in Texas.

I like your work, wish I could afford one. Who got these? Good luck on your move. Thats a dream come true to live in Hawaii.

Thanks guys! JAY gets the male and female couple. The other big pair are going to the owner of Bulky Boy clothing. I put their logo between the hands on the left side tiki.

Great job Bill. I was hoping you would make it out to t-haven this weekend for one last time. But I understand that your probably super busy trying to wrap things up. Love to stop by and say hello, next time I make it to the islands.:thumbsup:

Sorry to see you go, but it been a true pleasure my friend. :salute:

Absolutely Incredible! Best of Luck on the move as well.

Thanks Mark! Glad to see he made it safely.

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Also, thanks for making me realize I haven't posted anything I've done since I've moved to Kauai, going on two years! I'll get some fresh Tikis up soon. :)
