Tikis by RangerX | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tikis by RangerX

Amazing work. Good job. Do the 10 footers stand by themselves on that narrow base? I'd be so nervous it would fall.

Not really. I stood it up for the picture, but was worried the 5mph breeze would knock it over!
The new owner will need to anchor them down somehow. We talked about a few different methods, but it's his call and job. :D

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Great work Bill, have you ever done any non tiki related stuff like a northwest indian style totem pole or the like?

Dave, nope, never even tried anything else.

Here's the third of the ten foot tikis, along with number two. Number two has some additional carving on it not shown in the earlier pic.

Yeah, that's my dog in the background.


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I've been doing some small tikis lately, to mix it up a little after all these giant ones.
I'm calling these tiki skulls, they're about a foot tall or less.

$50. :D


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Awesome, Awesome, Awesome:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Bored at home last night with all the rain, so I took pics of the two tikis in my room, then played with the editing.


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As promised, Bill. Here's a photo of the Easter Island tiki with me (on the left) and my bro on the right. Thanks again - we LOVE it. :thumbsup:


Great pic, thanks!

Keeping with the theme, the tiki from a few posts up went to NoCal to live, and the new owner sent me this pic.


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My first carve of 2011!
I started this one last year (yesterday) and finished it today.
It's about twice the size of a human head. :eek:
Yes, that's how green my backyard is right now. :D


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Way to get ahead in the new year (groan). Looks fantastic mate.

Thanks, Lynch!
Here's my second carve of the new year.
It's 44" tall, and is only half the log. The back is flat, so it can be hung on the wall. That also reduces the weight, making it very shippable. ;)
I have it for sale on my facebook page for $200.


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You're a bloody awesome artist mate. I'll have to suss out quarantine laws and faq's on importing wood into the country. Look's sweet as usual.

A couple new ones. First one is over 4 feet tall. Second pic I'm in for scale. ;)


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Bill you should have trade in program.... Your skilz have improved 10 fold. Not that the old are bad, it's just these new ones are on a new level

A couple new ones. First one is over 4 feet tall. Second pic I'm in for scale. ;)

So the others are just over 4' tall too.:p:

I've been keeping busy. These tough guys are 18" tall, and are a matched set.


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This one I just finished yesterday. It's 7 feet tall.
1. in my backyard
2. at the new home
3. the new owner and me.


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Damn mate!!! One of the best I've ever seen. Awesome Bill, just furkin' awesome!
