tips on cleaning/removing throttle body with CRC TB Cleaner | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tips on cleaning/removing throttle body with CRC TB Cleaner


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2013
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City, State
Brandon, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
i'm in the middle of cleaning out my throttle body on my 01 ST and I notice how dirty it is. I'm using CRC Throttle Body cleaner. I've managed to get it mostly out but I don't know how to remove the wires on the left side of the Throttle Body. Any tips? I might end up using a bunch of cotton buds...could be the reason why it usually takes 3 attempts to start the ST up in the morning. I wonder if there is suppose to be a square plate behind it (I do see a gasket that looks in decent shape). Wonder how come mine is so filthy...

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thanks swshawaii, I actually looked at this link already...but my throttle body needs more extensive cleaning, so it might be better that I take it out completely instead of cleaning it while still in the ST....just don't know how to remove the 2 cables on the left side (seems delicate)

TPS connector has a release tab on it. Hold the tab down and it pulls straight out.
Careful re-installing the TB. Self tapping screws very easy to strip in plastic intake.

i can remove the TPS without problems (that's on the right side of the image).... it's the 2 cables on the left side of the image below that I don't quite know how to remove


I don't have cruise control. Look closely, the cable is fastened with a ball and socket and should pull off.
Once C/C cable is disconnected, rotate the spring for slack and the end of the throttle cable slips out.

is there a special coating in the throttle body? I'm hesitant to use a bristled brush. Also the reason why I went with CRC throttle body cleaner instead of carb cleaner

Good precaution, but you will find the carbon buildup too tough for cotton swabs. Soak before scrubbing.
I wouldn't be too concerned about the teflon coating, TB cleaning should be routine maintenance anyway.
