Tire Size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire Size

Question Real quick on tire size.... i have a 94 explorer... with 3" body lift... i have 31 10.50 on it now.... and i was wonder if 33 12.50 would fit with a nice rim offset and some trimming.... thanks alot guys and ill get you some pictures as soon as i can.

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32 is about as big as you can get with triming. 33's will be too big, but it really depends on what tire you buy and rim. With too much offset they will not work.

i was thinking 15"x10 rims..... on 33x12.50 MT's wont work huh with trimming.....

You'll be better off with 15x8's. Let some more people post and see what they say, it's better to get many opinions.

I think you might be better off with the 15x8 rims, and then matching the 32 x 11.50 tires with it. You shouldn't get any significant rubbing with that 3" body lift of yours, maybe at full turn, but even then I don't think so. As a side note, get those BFG AT KO's for your X! They look bad as hell and drive great (I had the BFG Mud-Terrains before and then dropped to the AT's). In my opinion, if you go all the way for the 12.50's on the 10" rims, I think you'll be sorry, and wishing that you had gone with something smaller for all of the problems you get with the 12.50's. Just my 2 cents anyway...

i say 11.5x32 on 15x8s for the least amount of problems.... 3" is normally not enough for 33s let alone 12.5....

yo brotha, spend an extra hundred bux and get the coil spacers 1.5 inchs of lift, and warrior shackles 1.5 inc of lift and that will help ya fit those 33's on there

there is another guy on here that has just a 3 inch body lift and he runs 33x10.50

