TPS removal to clean TB? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TPS removal to clean TB?


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I want to clean my throttle body this weekend since its really bad, I've finally figured out how to remove the throttle cable by prying it off(I never found the way to remove it on here), now I'm just wondering if the TPS needs to be off the throttle body too before I clean it. I read somewhere on here that it can be a pain to put it back on right, I've searched everywhere and none of the TB cleaning threads mention removing the sensor. Is it safe to leave it in while I clean the throttle body? I plan on just using a rag/TB cleaner/toothbrush. Thanks.

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Leave it in.

Ditto. Very easy to strip the thread locked Phillips screws. Just unclip the harness connector.

you can clean it w/out removing it. use throttle body cleaner, an old tooth brush and a fine scuff pad (cut off a small square) for the tough stuff around where the plate seals. when done, leave if open for an hour to let the excess evaporate (makes starting easier).

Leave the TPS intact. (I don't agree with the "stripping the screw" thing though, kinda hard to strip them I've experienced...JMO)

Ok so I'll leave it in, guess ill replace the gasket too while the TB is off. Thanks for the answers.

there's really no reason to remove the TB. you can clean it pretty well with it attached. the benefit is to get the carbon off the throttle plate and surrounding throat area. what little bit more you may get by removing it isn't really doing any harm. if you what to really make a difference, remove and clean inside of you intake manifold. that area tends to get a lot of build-up over time and restricts airflow.

there's really no reason to remove the TB. you can clean it pretty well with it attached. the benefit is to get the carbon off the throttle plate and surrounding throat area. what little bit more you may get by removing it isn't really doing any harm. if you what to really make a difference, remove and clean inside of you intake manifold. that area tends to get a lot of build-up over time and restricts airflow.

I have all Saturday to clean it so I figured I might as well unbolt it and get everything out of it. Why not remove it?

Go for it, chief.

Famous last words.

Lol yeah my engine's gonna explode when I start it up and it'll take my transmission with it.

A 12 post thread to clean a throttle body? :scratch:

Shall we discuss the best wax to use next? :confused: LOL

A 12 post thread to clean a throttle body? :scratch:

Shall we discuss the best wax to use next? :confused: LOL

We have far longer threads already for that.

Tell me more about the wax :D hahaha

in the manual it talks about a sludge that's used on the walls of the TB to help prevent buildup. and to not clean the TB because of this. do you need to reapply this stuff? or as long as you do regular cleaning it should be fine?

in the manual it talks about a sludge that's used on the walls of the TB to help prevent buildup. and to not clean the TB because of this. do you need to reapply this stuff? or as long as you do regular cleaning it should be fine?

I'm just gonna clean mine every 10,000 miles, I doubt the coating helped much from the start anyway. Ford just doesn't want people cleaning it so they can make you buy a new one.
