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Tranny question?


Well-Known Member
October 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Upland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport
Well here it goes....

Earlier today I was driving up a somewhat steep street, in the OD position, and near the top of the hill (stop sign), I heard / felt a gigantic bang, from underneath the truck.

I thought for sure it was my engine, but when I stopped at the stop sign, oil pressure was good (modded gauge), and no strange noises or smells. Tranny also worked fine through all the gears (did a quick test in D, OD, also 1&2 manually).

Fast forward to later in the evening. I'm leaving band practice, and as I pull away, she ain't leaving 1st gear. I pulled into a parking lot and manually shifter 1 to 2 and felt the tranny do something, but it remained in 1st.

So I tried what everyone recommend and threw it back in D and started driving. At about 3000 rpms, it smoothly shifted into 2nd, and has been working fine since. A quick check of the fluid showed proper level, hot, and idling in gear.

My question is, what could the big bang have been, and why did my tranny not want to leave 1st, even when manually shifting to 2 even though I heard it when I put it into 2.

By the way, after getting it to shift regularly again, I drove it 40 miles home, and it was perfect all the way.

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When was the last time you changed the fluid/filter? These transmissions do not like dirty fluid as it will have small particles in it gumming up the valve body. (Always use a dacron filter)

Does the transmission seem to shift better once it is hot? Reason I ask is that the governor is a known problem with the hanging 1-2 shift and it usually stops acting up after the transmission is up to temp.

If you haven't already done the valve body upgrades suggested in Glacier's thread they are strongly suggested. I was having problems with my trans, did the mods, changed the governor and added an external filter and haven't had any issues since.

I was thinking that the 1-2 thing was a valve body issue, but the big bang thing worried me, because until that day, this tranny has never missed a 1-2 shift, ever.

I'll get back to you guys after I have a chance to drive it today...

Fluid has 35,000 miles on it, tops. Color is still reddish, and doesnt smell burnt.

Got a chance to drive it today.

It didnt want to leave 1st until 3200 rpms, then it went into second. Upon stopping, it stayed in 2nd instead of going into 1st.

A little more driving, and everything started to work fine again, all gears including TCC lock.

I added a bit of fluid to it as well, since idling in gear, the fluid wasnt quite into the crosshatching on the stick.

I made a mistake and put modulator in my first post when I should have put governor. If your problem only lasts for the first few minutes and goes away when the trans gets up to temp I would bet on the governor being the trouble. I'm going to fix my first post so I don't confuse anyone.

After a little more testing, it appears to shift 100% normal after it warms up.

A few things I've noticed:

1) After getting from 1-2 @ 3200 rpm, coming to a stop afterwards, the tranny stays in 2nd.

2) 3rd is a little reluctant, when still a bit cold.

3) After its all warmed up, shift happen normally, without slipping or noise. It may be a little quick into 2nd? Maybe im being nitpicky.


Hoping for a reply from Glacier, BrooklynBay, or another tranny guru.

my trans did that same thing.....drove it like that for 4 years! From what ive gathered its a sticking valve in the valve body, yeah anyone of those guys can answer your question with certainty. But this i do know, just shift it manually from first to second to drive (watch out in drive, mine would go back to 1rst some times if it wasnt warm enough) for the first mile or so you drive and it drives fine from there, at least mine did. (my ex is a 5 sp now) Got tired of the A4LD

Ill drop the valve body if I have to.

Like I said, once its warm, I can get sporty, and it shift just fine.

The piece that you need to replace is the governor body or stalk as Glacier calls it. It is on the far left of the photo. It is made from aluminum, the weight (far right) is made from steel, you can see where that would eventually cause a problem. It requires removal of the transfer case to access, but it really isn't a hard job. You can see the outline inside of the transmission where the empty bolt hole is in the second photo. The small wispy spring closest to the stem in an aftermarket improvement included in one of the shift kits I installed in my VB. (read Glacier's VB rebuild diary)

I was having the exact same issue requiring me to maunally shift into 2nd gear, starting off in 2nd, it was all fixed with the governor replacement. I also installed the Sonnet weight, slightly heavier than factory.


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How much am I looking at for parts?

Would I have to drain the tranny to pull this peice?

I dont have a transfer case (2WD), so I should be able to get to it easily right?

The stalk wasn't much, like $12 I think, that's really all you need if you want to do it cheap. I can't take something apart without putting it back togeather with any improvements available, just my nature. The weight wasn't much from Sonnex but you shouldn't have to replace it unless you want the heavier one. The valve and spring don't have to be replaced, the wear area is between the weight and stalk. If you have a 2 wheel drive it's easier, the end piece on your transmission will not be heavy like the transfer case. Remove the driveshaft and the end piece of the transmission. I would take the opportunity to replace the tailshaft seal.

Therre is a small hole at the bottom of the picture in my last post. If you have a small nail or something similar to stick in there you shouldn't lose much transmission fluid at all.


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