TROLL IN MM&FF?? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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yeah it's fake but it looks awsome. It was one of the many brainchilds of my friend matt, who owns the contour in the lower left corner.


just go for a ride in troll and you will have a smile from ear to ear.... that was the coolest vehicle I have ever ridden in!!!! its insane.

I sent an email in as well- good luck and cant wait to finally see those seats bolted in... they were comfortable on your front door step but Im sure will be even better in the truck - lol

I think seeing Troll's Explorer in MM&FF would be great. It is a pretty fast ford. The only thing Troll may need to work on is the detailing. The engine bay will need to look pretty. The outside looks good, it runs good, but you gotta clean up that engine bay. Polish the s/c, intake, brakets, paint, whatever. MM&FF like the show cars. You can have a 8 sec car but if it doesnt look good, they wont feature it. My buddy Matt Snow who invented Snow's Boost Cooler (water methanol injection system) cant get his car in their mags, if anything just to promote his system. Its a 93 Cobra that runs 10's at 5800ft burning up the clutch, but I think he needs to detail his engine bay more too. I know another guy who's car was in MM&FF a few years ago who only ran 11's but all his engine bay had polished aluminum and stuff. So that is my advice, and send the letter with US mail or whatever they ask for with GOOD quality pics, and videos. Good luck troll. I think that would be great. I agree with the earlier post about towing a mustang to the track with the X and wanting to tap the potential in the 5.0 motor...:(

Guys, PLEASE tell me someone saved that video of Troll at the track somewhere on this site..! The old link doesn't work anymore and I'm dying to show my skeptical coworkers here at Ford that an Explorer can indeed run an 11 :fire: WOuld someone be so kind as to post a working link or upload their copy to somewhere? Much appreciated!!

Apparently we only have windows media player here at work :( Oh well. Thanks, Husky!
