Truck of the Week Doug - 97 Sport 2/26/04 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck of the Week Doug - 97 Sport 2/26/04

Congats Doug

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*throws a water ballon at Ben*

Originally posted by Blee1099
We ought to lock Tara inside a rubber room also..:D
Geeee....thanks Ben...WAY to be a PAL...*pushes Ben down a hilll for sayin such things*:D

about time you get on these boards and post again tara, sheesh :p

nice truck doug!

You need to tell Rick to edit it so it says "Elite Explorer Babe"..

Dougs truck is sick and was quite the Inspiration to
building my truck the way I did..
"who needs swaybars?"

Not to Mention Dougs a crazy Bastahd shows his truck no mercy. wheeling with him makes you beat your truck more because you feel like a pansy if you don't at least try to follow him/.

But hell Now I'll have the biggest white sport in the east coast sick yet..

dude have good time in the army man,
also I can just see you driving a big tank and just mowing down trees in the woods.

well man sick. and see ya when i see ya.

your truck is awesome and really deserves Truck of the week.

How come doug's truck isn't on the main page but hartman's still is?

Originally posted by snocross1985
How come doug's truck isn't on the main page but hartman's still is?

Cause I get no respect! :D :p

Congrats on TOTW, Doug. Twas fun shredding the trails with you at Rausch.
Your rig is big and gives us all something to shoot for, good luck with the military. We'll be waiting to wheel with you when you're on leave, or when you've had your fill and return to civi life to wheel again.

Thanks Brian, hopefully I'll be able to get back home sometime this summer to visit and get another wheeling trip in on the west coast.

Originally posted by ExplorerSport77
Booo i miss fug alreadyyyyyyyyyyy:(
We all miss him Tara.. He'll be back in 10 or 11 weeks.. then we can drive to AZ and go pick on him..

Actually I was thinking of borrowing my uncle's RV.. and tow a Explorer behind it..

what about me
where do i fit in to the plan

Justin, i'll just park your truck on top of Tara's: then we can have a blue-sport pancake stack on the wrecker :D ;)

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Originally posted by Spas
Justin, i'll just park your truck on top of Tara's: then we can have a blue-sport pancake stack on the wrecker :D ;)

would be something to see...:D
